Chapter 4: The Plan

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Reference! It's extremely easy to spot. (Reference Found)

This chapter has also been further edited. Much detail has been added!
I had to rewrite half of this chapter sadly and I was pissed...

It was bright and early, how you knew that was truly a mystery. You lied in the lab say after day with no windows or ticking clocks to tell you the time of day. So how could you know the time of day? Adapting. The around the clock schedule became your clock. The first task of the day is when a series of Scientists step into the lab, surround your table, and take your vitals which include a series of tests in which were invasive more times than none. Like bright lights in your eyes, blood drawn, body inspections... When those tests happen, it is roughly nine o'clock in the morning. You hated that time the most. But you learned to power through, cause when Trafalgar Law makes his daily appearance, it is just after the halfway mark of the day.

Unlike Today

The steel password encrypted lab doors opened in a rushed manor. "A few words (Y/n)," Law immediately spoke the second he entered the lab. You lit up to his appearance after assuming he were the usual scientist with his pen and clipboard. So you flashed a bright smile, just for the action to sink and be wasted just after looking the Surgeon over. Something about Law felt rushed or alarmed judging by the sweat rolling down his slick forehead or how quickly he spoke. It was like he were mentally or internally dying from pressure of some sort. Anxiety perhaps?

Despite everything, you smiled once again. "Good Morning Law," you greeted the man instead of replying to his request. Law flinched; he was surprised to hear how happy you were despite your position. To be strapped to a table with countless tubes protruding from your arms unable to leave or do anything of your own accord. If Law were you, he would've gone mad on the second day of treatment. This wasn't even a treatment if we were going into specifics.

"G-Good Morning (Y/n)," Law repeated with a stutter that made you snicker with delight.

"What brings you here so early Law?" You asked curiously. Today he came before the scientists, that means he's visiting me early! "No scientists have checked in on me yet today, normally you come in a lot later."

Law cocked a brow. "Before I get to the point... What makes you so happy to see me today?" Law dodged his burning questions right out front all the while cutting you off. You were the only thing on his mind right now no matter how hard he wished otherwise.

"Why aren't I happy?" You exclaimed. "You're the nicest person I've ever met Law," you grinned softly. Law well, he couldn't help but stare. "I've already told you this, but I've never met a man so willing to help me, you've kept me alive for so long. I look forward to seeing you and Bepo each and every day." Those words you've spoken really left a mark on the Surgeon. All this time he never thought of you as more than a patient in need of his expertise. When really, you thought of him as your hope, maybe even a friend. It really took Law back, in memory of Straw Hat Luffy back in Marineford struggling to live through life ending injuries and a broken hollow heart until the time he awoke from slumber in Amazon Lily a month later. Law was more than a doctor, but a hero who had a crowd of whom looked up to him for his heroic prowess.

Law snickered, I should've brought Bepo in today. "It was my choice to stick around and treat your injuries each and every day (Y/n)," Law sighed suddenly. That was surely a change of events. "My job description was to replace your heart whenever it reached its limit, and nothing more."

"So... Why are you taking care of me then? Clearly you could be doing better things," You were upset to say the least. Deep down, you were starting to wish Law never opened his mouth at all. You had very little to hang onto since being thrown in here, turns out you had nothing.

A Heart for None: Law x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora