Chapter 10: Corazon

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The day Law had acquired your new heart and legs had came and went like the rise and pass of the sun that never seemed to sleep. To top it all off, it came as a surprise when Trafalgar Law's title as a Warlord wasn't void, how do you know this? Well, Surgeon made a special trip to the recent island's marine base. Of course the man had you returned to the golden submarine beforehand. If he didn't that would've been an even bigger social suicide than his appearance alone. Law had asked for a look about of the prisoners on death row within the base. In this time, Law gave every prisoner a check up until he found the youngest and healthiest prisoner of the bunch and quite literally stole his heart. The prisoner was on death row, he was going to die anyways, why waste his heart right? That's how the Surgeon thought of it at least. Back on track, none of the Marines of the base objected to the man's request of viewing the Death Row prisoners, which only meant Law were still upholding the title as one of seven Warlords of the Sea. But still, how does Law still have the title? He fought with Akainu, the new Fleet Commander of the Navy, survived, and stole you right out from under the Government's nose. Either the Government is oblivious to your existence as a Heart Pirate, or they think that his one sided brawl with Akainu was nothing to get their panties into a twist over. Maybe even both?

Truly confusing indeed.

Over the last few days, Law had been preparing the prisoner's heart to be transplanted into your frail body. A male's heart is naturally two times the size of a woman's, they work harder than a female as well. To give you this heart was coming as a risk, this heart could either make or quite literally kill you. Options were extremely limited at this point with no feminine heart donors on the last island, it was coming down to the wire, your current heart had at most a day's worth of fighting left in it. At this point, you had to do whatever was necessary.

"It's now or never, time to lie down," Law pressed delicately on your chest to lie down upon the cold steel examination table. You whimpered to the touch, the cold steel caused an eruption of goosebumps to attack your skin. You couldn't help but to resume fighting against his orders. Law growled slightly, crossing his arms. "You'll die if we don't execute this transplant right now!" The man barked.

Your orbs were flooding with tears, teeth clenched so hard your jaw strained against the pressure."Can't you just use your devil fruit powers and give the heart right now?" You asked so quickly Law just barely understood the question at all. Your nerves were all riled up, Law could tell you had a fear of this surgery and would do whatever means necessary to avoid it. Well, he won't allow it.

"It's not that simple," Law sighed, holding up your receiving heart encased in a glass box. The pink organ that beat within his hands every few seconds. "Normally, I can do that, but with you, I cannot," he answered briskly.

"W-why not?!" You complained.

Law has just about lost his patience. "The experiments from the Government has your internal workings all mixed around. If I just use my powers, the heart will just sit in your chest... You will begin hemorrhaging, or practically internally bleeding to death," that last comment really opened your eyes, yet it also made you freak out some more. At this point you were freaking out so much your dying heart will overwork itself into a heart attack right then and there.

"So... So you have to do my transplant surgery like a real surgeon? You can't rely on your powers..." You were still near tears.

"That is the case," Law agreed with a gentle nod of his head. "What's your reason for freaking out as much as you are Kessho? I almost always perform a surgery by hand rather the aid of my powers. Then again it also depends on if I like the person or not," he is a surgeon after all, you thought. Be foolish of him to rely on his powers more times than none.

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