Chapter 12: What Could've Been

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As Law warned, when you met Straw Hat Luffy-a rambunctious boy who was a child by heart-you mentally weren't prepared for his childish and random antics and accidentally encased quarter of the Thousand Sunny with jagged crystals. You harmed a few of the boy's crew: Straw Hat himself who took the heaviest blow, Sanji who got out with a few scrapes and cuts, and lastly their Navigator Nami who harmed herself on her own accord. The second she saw the glassy crystals of all colors of the rainbow, she darted over saying it was a goldmine. After attempting to farm some crystals for herself, her hands were a cut mess of crimson. You don't know how, but she persuaded their Shipwright, Franky, to collect your crystals. Since to your surprise the man was a cyborg, he wasn't harmed in the collection process since his entire body was metal of all sorts. In the end, Nami and Franky took a great interest in the clean up of your accidental mess. Nami wanted to sell them for profit, Franky planned to use the new material to craft some new weapons and inventions.

Even with the mistake turning into an overall great deed, you couldn't help be feel out of place, maybe even better off if you would've stayed back with Law's crew when he originally asked...

Since the accident, you rarely left your place at the railing of the Sunny, enjoying what the sea had to offer with rolling waves and the spines of sea kings poking out above the sea. Your heart grew staggered to the sudden contact of your back. Where your hands touched the railing soon were glossed over in crystals. "Quit looking down on yourself," to your relief Law had spoke, leaning against the same railing within a foot of where you stood. "I told you, Straw Hat has agreed to help you gain better control over your powers-"

"I don't understand why my powers are so sensitive to my emotions!" You growled in irritation, allowing your hands to rake your hair, tugging at the roots with a pained tinge to your scalp. "How come my powers weren't a problem back on the submarine?" Law soon realized just how stressed you had became, however he couldn't blame such a response to your growing confusion. It were like your powers were growing stronger and stronger by the day.

"If I'm being honest," Law hummed, gazing out upon the horizon. "I have no clue as to why your powers have grown to an overwhelming rate."

"Wow thanks..." You dropped your head onto the railing like a deadweight. Law flinched hearing the loud thump that came from the collision. You intentionally harmed yourself...

"I want you training with Mugiwara-ya, Nico-ya & Bone-ya," Law glared at you, you haven't even reacted to his request. "They are the least likely to be damaged by your crystals, therefore you need to get yourself under control before we reach Dressrosa (Y/n)-ya," a chile racked your spine just hearing how poisonous Law's voice had became. All dark and laced with authority. Law didn't even use your pet name, that just showed how aggravated he had became to your unwillingness to cooperate.

You raised your head, stumbling just a little, your head felt just a tad too light. Mental note: don't bash your head on the railing again. "I'll attempt to get myself under control," you sighed, rubbing your forehead.

"There's no such thing as try," Law growled. "I'm not going to babysit you any longer... Take hold of the situation and mold it to your benefit," at this point, you didn't dare to speak another word and ran off, leaving a crystal footprint behind with each step, Law was furious, no way in hell were you going to put up with that.

"That's no way you should speak to a woman," Law heard from behind, his golden eyes flickered to the lean blonde hovering from behind.

"And this is none of your business," Law retaliates, crossing his arms.

"You treat (Y/n) like crap," Sanji threw right back at the Surgeon who didn't bat an eye.

"You say that even though what just happened was, what I hope, to be a one time ordeal," Sanji when wide eyed as the man standing before him knew exactly where he went wrong. Still doesn't get past what the event just played out before him.

"First time or not, you shouldn't speak to a woman like that," Sanji repeated himself. "Put yourself into (Y/n)'s shoes, she's probably freaked out by her change of pace-"

"I suggest you shut the hell up if you know what's best for you," Sanji clenched the cigarette bud between his teeth like a death grip.

"Are you threatening me?" Sanji stepped forwards.

"All because you speak like you know everything when you don't even know a thing," if Law didn't treasure his alliance with the Straw Hat's as much as he did, Law would've stolen the organ from Sanji's chest and quite literally squeezed the life out of the blonde.

Sanji carefully registered each word spoken, only for more curiosity to surface. "Fine, why are you so heartless towards (Y/n)?" This time, Sanji crossed his arms.

"Cause she's acting like a child when she is far from it. (Y/n) is magically coming into problems with her devil fruit all because of this crew alone, her past was heavily affected thanks to this crew. Are you aware that she underwent years of torture because of your Captain in Enies Lobby?" Like Sanji had been shot in the chest, he choked, clutching onto it through his truth.

"What do you mean?"

"(Y/n)-ya was formerly an agent in the Cipher Pol unit who was taken in for experiments to recreate what your Captain calls Gear Second," Sanji's mind went wild just imagining the torture you were going through, that was until Law continued. "(Y/n)-ya saw the true colors of the World Government and I helped her escape. Although a run in with the Revolutionaries determined her fate, it was the Government's greed that led them to create a soldier to end you Straw Hats. Now she's a member of my crew AND here with you working alongside the men and women who left a scar on her memory," Sanji remained speechless. You must have mixed feelings on the crew, to work alongside the people who ruined your life. No wonder why your mental state is all jumbled up like a jigsaw puzzle that hadn't been assembled yet.

"So..." Sanji ran a hand through his hair, trying to find the words to speak. "You can't blame (Y/n) for her powers being all out of order, but at the same time you're telling her to put the past behind her?" Law shrugged, that was one way to sum up your position. "You still shouldn't speak so cold to her, she's your girlfriend after all-"

"And she came here on her own accord," at this point, Law was fed up and wanted this conversation to end. "I didn't want her tagging along. I only agreed since I hold her in a higher place than most. So Kessho can deal with this problem on her own."

"Fine you win," Sanji regrets to admit.

"I never lose," the Surgeon smirked.

"What are we going to do if (Y/n) can't get herself under control?"

"Already ahead of you," Sanji blinked. And a second ago this guy said he wasn't going to help...


"I plan to ask Robo-ya for an invention since Kessho isn't aware of her emotions. Or y'all will kill Kessho with kindness," even after a plan of attack, it all made no sense.

"Killing Kessho with-"

"Only I call her Kessho," Law glared at the blonde.

"Killing... (Y/n), with kindness shouldn't be a problem. But what does an invention from Franky have to do with this?"

"The placebo effect."

"Make (Y/n) an invention that will help her control her powers, when in reality it isn't helping (Y/n) at all. All to fool her into thinking she's in control?" Law nods. "Brilliant."

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