What They Do When (Y/N) Isn't Around

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All of these will be in their POV.

Monito (Monika):

What to do, what to do? I was sitting at home waiting for my (Y/N) to finish her family dinner thing. I still don't get why I couldn't just go with her, I mean we are going to get married when we leave school.

Looking at my phone, there were still two hours till (Y/N) should be free. I swear the clock is mocking me, it feels like the time hasn't moved at all. What can I do?

Oh I know! (Y/N) said she wanted to see that movie coming out this week, I could plan a date for us! I got to work with my plan, at least I'll have something to do and (Y/N) will be so happy!

Yuri (Yuki):

Looking over at the clock on the wall and let out a sigh, it was still no where near the time.... I never was at a loss on what to do with myself, a good book, warm tea and I'm set, but now...

I put the book I was reading to the side, I'm pretty sure I read the same sentence five times anyway. This is strange for me, I've never had to depend on anyone like this but now... oh (Y/N) what have you done to me?

I guess I could brew some herbal tea to try and relax me, maybe even catch up on that poem I was writing?

Satsuke (Sayori):

(YYYYY/NNNNNNN)!!!!! I MMMIIIIISSSSSSSSSSSS YYOOOOOOOUUU! What am I meant to do while she's gone?! We always hang out after school! I know she has to go to a birthday party but... I don't like it when she's away....

Sitting on my bed, hanging upside down, I thought what I could do. I never really realised how much time I spend with (Y/N) till now and how much we do together until she's away.

I closed my eyes to think..... OH I KNOW! I can see if one of the guys want to hang ouTTOH!..... I fell off the bed.....

Netsuki (Natsuki):

Stupid (Y/N), making me lonely and bored without her.... I can't even remember why she has to be so long anyway!

I looked out my window as if it'll magically give me a thing to do.... UUUHHHHHHH! WHAT THE HELL HAS SHE DONE TO ME!? Whatever (Y/N) has to do, she seemed to be find it kind of dull... that's it! I can make her something sweet to eat for her! Ha she's gonna love the cookies I have in mind for her!

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