Someone Flirts With (Y/N)

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(Y/N) was waiting for her boyfriend in front of a shop so you can go on a date. He was running late so (Y/N) was just standing there, head down on her phone. She didn't notice an attractive boy, around her age walk straight up to her. This startled her, not knowing who this boy is and being unsure what he'll do.

This boy started to flirt with her, it wasn't even GOOD flirting, it was stuff like 'you come here often' or 'when do you need to be back in heaven?'. It got old fast...

(Y/N) was thinking of a way out of conversation. That was until her boyfriend came around the corner.

Monito (Monika):

A laugh was heard behind the boy. When he turned around, Monito was standing there with a smile on his face.

"Well, well, well what do we have here?"

Before the boy could speak, Monito was already in his face with dark smile on his face.

"It wouldn't be some little prick trying to dirty my sweet princess~?"

Once again, Monito's face went even more dark, if that was even possible...

"Because if that was true, well I would want my little (Y/N) to see what would happen next~"

Well she didn't because the boy ran as fast as he could from Monito, who just simply walked over to (Y/N) and wrapped his arm around her shoulder, giving her a loving smile.

"Now love, weren't we meant to go on a date?~"

Yuri (Yuki):

Yuri didn't know what to do in situations like this but he also didn't want (Y/N) to be stuck talking to this guy any longer.

Soon he pulled himself together and made his way over to the both of them with one goal in mind, get (Y/N) away from this creep. He placed his hand on the boy's shoulder.

"Excuse me, but I don't think she is interested...."

When the boy turned around, he became to laugh at how scared Yuri seemed. That was until Yuri moved to the boys ear and whispered something into it.

When Yuri pulled away, the boy looked like he seen a ghost and ran as fast as he could away from the both of you.

(Y/N) was confused about what just happened, while Yuri just smiled and moved to hold her hand.

Satsuke (Sayori):

Satsuke was not happy with what this guy was doing, but he had a plan that will show this guy you are taken and shows (Y/N) love.

This means him running full speed to give (Y/N) a bear hug and a big kiss on her lips.


(Y/N) couldn't help but return Satsuke loving actions and return it ten fold.

"I'VE MISSED YOU TOO MY TEDDY BEAR!!! Have I told said I love you yet today?"

"Hmmmm no, I think so...but I never get sick of hearing it or saying it! I love you (Y/N)~"

"Awwww I love you too, Satsuke~"

This lasted for awhile, neither of you really noticed the guy walk away from the love dovey scene.

Netsuki (Natsuki):


Netsuki marched his way over to the boy with pure rage on his face.

The boy just had a cocky smile on his face when he sew how small Netsuki compared to him.

The boy started picking on Netsuki and making fun as him.

This got old fast and Netsuki wasn't having none of it but what really drove him over the edge was when the boy said.

"Why are you with this loser, what are you an idiot? You would do much better with me~"

After that Netsuki just straight up knocked the boy out cold.


This made (Y/N) giggle lightly before moving over the boy to give Netsuki a big hug and kiss before he pulled her along for their date.

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