Ink and Peace

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There was something peaceful about the liquid blackness.

It was soothing, it allowed Skylar to just float and be at peace for a while. Whether it was hours, seconds, years, minutes, days or months, it didn't matter.

There was no time in this peaceful blackness.

Suddenly, there was a small speck of white out of the corner of her eye. It was small, insignificant even. Something that, normally she would have ignored.

But something about it...

Seemed warm and welcoming.

Floating absently Skylar headed towards it slowly, watching it get bigger slowly until something stopped her.

A warm hand...? No, something else.

Rougher, heavier, but still just as warm.

Turning Skylar looked up at who was stoping her, and tilted her head at the site of the aged Cybertronain before her.

"It is not your time to leave yet Skylar. You still have an adventure ahead of you." His blue optics were warm, inviting and friendly as he guided her away from the light. He reminded the teen of her grandfather, someone who had died when she was still quiet young.

"It isn't?" She asked curious, a soft tilt in her head while he chuckled. Kneeling down the bot smiled kindly to her and shook his head. She finally noticed that he had some sort of beard and mustache on, maybe that made him seem so friendly?

"No little one. Your adventure has just started. The Autobot's will take care of you Skylar Chamberlain, they will treat you as one of their own, and they will help you to heal." He soothed smiling more when she blinked.

The Autobots?

It took a moment for the memories to come rushing back, and the innocent wonder morphed into pain and distrust. She was suppose to be dead by now, but how had she gotten here? Did she have a heart attack? She knew at least a panic attack. But not a heart attack, unless that had happened as well.

But.... If that was the case...

"Yes little one, you are in limbo. While your mind was open, willing and accepting to the fact an alien kind to your race existed. Your previous activities, mixed with the anxiety of meeting Team Prime did trigger a heart attack. While it was minor, your body was not prepared for it. Thus, you life hung in the balance." Skylar made a face and scrunched her nose softly.

"I'm sixteen. I shouldn't have had a heart attack in the first place..." She vented before looking to the elder bot. He chuckled and gently pulled her into a hug.

"It is hard to explain Skylar. But you will wake up soon. Perhaps I shall tell you the next time we meet." He told her, chuckling when she hugged back then looked at him curious.

"Before you send me back-- cause I'm pretty sure you're gunna be the reason I do go back. What's your name?" She questioned, following him up as he stood above her warmly.

"My name is Alpha Trion small spark. Optimus will know of me. Speak to him when you have a chance." He advised, gently tapping her forehead with two digits.

Her eyes closed and a rush of pain flooded her body. Ripping her from the warmth, safety and comfort of the peaceful black ink.

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