Words and Safety

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The first thing Skylar noticed when she got up was the fact everything was silent aside from the oxygen being forced into her lungs. A stead intake hold and exhale as she struggled to open her eyes from the darkness she had once loved.

How long had she been gone?

Another thought popped in after the first. 'Why should it matter. No one will care how long you were for.'

Her arms felt like led. Heavy, numb, a pleasant feeling that. On any other occasion she'd love feeling. It meant no pain.

But right now, she was desperate for pain. Need some kind of pain to make it all go away and to help her wake up.

Slowly, she managed some coordination to clench her hands, and it brought a strange feeling to her body. It forced a sad whimper from her mouth as she unclenched then clenched her hand again to try and get rid of the feeling. After a few times it finally worked, and a rush of pain rampaged over her body.

She gave a sharp gasp and immediately unclenched her hands and whined softly. Her eyes scrunched tightly then slowly opened to see deep blue optics staring at her worried. The glow illuminated the bots face plates a little and gave her some idea of who it was.

"... Optimus... Right?" She cringed when her voice rasped out in a whisper. But none the less the bot nodded, and gently helped her to unhook from everything with out setting sensors off. Lifting her up carefully the large guardian cradled her softly in his servos and slowly moved away from the medical bay.

"Optimus, I do not think it is wise for my patient to leave the med bay. Much less her berth." Skylar froze and looked up at Optimus as he paused and turned, still cradling her in his servos even while she peaked over them to look at ratchet. She watched said med bot tense and shift, she guessed to get ready to lung if she forced herself into a swan dive. As tempting as the thought was, her curiosity to see her adventure to the end over powered her want to die. She could stay long enough to finish this adventure.

"I thought it might do Skylar some good going outside for some fresh air with me. I will bring her back should something happens. Until then, I think it would do her good to have the open space and to see a new sunrise." She swallowed and shrunk softly while Ratchet stayed quiet then vented.

"Very well, but I want her back on that berth immediately after words." Ratchet warned, she could hear his tone growing hard and firm even while Optimus chuckled softly. She could feel the vibrations from his chest plates.

"Understood old friend." With that, he turned and continued on his walk for the surface.

Skylar remained silent, unsure what to say and how to thank the leader for getting her free from the medbay. It was a good ten minutes of walking before she spoke.

"I'm sorry for all the trouble I've cause." The words tumbled out before she could stop them. Thankfully, she managed to 'put her foot in her mouth' before something else came out with it. Her words, much to the teens surprise brought a chuckle from the Semi. Which was accompanied by a gentle pet to her head.

"You have nothing to be sorry for little one. This is your home now, and while WheelJack may be your guardian you are safe here. I, as well as the other Autobot's will look after you and make sure that you are safe." Skylar tensed up and looked up at him shocked, staring at the small smile spreading across his face. It drew a warm feeling to the pit of her stomach and drew tears to her eyes. She looked away harshly and took a moment to calm and not cry.

"R-right. T-thanks I guess.." She muttered breathing deeply. There was another short period of silence while Skylar calmed and worked to fix her walls before the large bot stopped. Blinking she looked up then noticed that he was standing on the platform that would lead to the surface.

"... Do you really think taking me up here will be a good idea? I might just jump from your hands and over the edge." Skylar warned looking up at him. She shrunk when he held her gaze, blue optics holding a gentle amusement.

"If you were planning to do that, you would not have told me so." She blushed with embarrassment at his words and looked away, squirming in his servos before wincing when both were enveloped in sunlight.

It took Skylar a few moments for her eyes to adjust before they looked out at the colors in the sky. Feeling all the tension and stress slowly ease out of her body while she looked at the colors contently. A genuine smile spreading across her face when she saw a cloud or two hover in the sky and become painted pink.

"I believe that yesterday you had seen something similar to this." Jumping slightly Skylar looked up at Optimus, finally noticing that they had moved and he was sitting on the edge of the cliff still holding her gingerly.

"Yeah... But somehow... This one is much more beautiful then yesterdays." She murmured looking back to the colors painting the sky and curling with each other. She smiled again and sighed softly, basking in the silence she currently shared with the leader before chewing lightly on her bottom lip.

"... Optimus... Do you know of someone called Alpha Trion?" She asked softly, looking up at him for a reaction. He blinked once and looked down at her, baby blue optics staring at her curiously.

"I do, he was my mentor before the war." He explained while she tilted her head softly.

".. Is... Is he dead?" She questioned nervoulsy, his optics seemed to soften before he nodded.

"How do you know of Alpha Trion Skylar?" He asked. She looked down and squirmed gently while the large bot waited paitently for an answer.

"... While I was in a coma I was floating in a black void thing. It was peaceful and nice. I honestly didn't want to leave it. At one point I saw a light, it was warm, and inviting and it gave off a sense of safety. So I went towards it. I didn't get too close though, partly because Alpha Trion stopped me and stired me away."

"He told me I wasn't ready to 'go' yet, and that i still had an adventure coming. He also said that the Autobots would take care of me and help me 'heal'." She explained looking up at him. Shuffling at the odd look of awe in his optics.

"Do you remember what his exact words were?" He questioned while she frowned and shut her eyes. Scrunchign up her face in conentration.

"Your adventure has just started. The Autobots will take care of you Skylar Chamberlain, they will treat you as one of their own, and help you to heal." She quoted softly before looking up at Optimus, trying to decide if the look on his faceplates was a good thing or a bad thing.

"Did he say anything else?" She blinked at the soft tone from the regal leader and thought back.

"He explained why I had a panic and heart attack, and that I was in fact in limbo. He said it was hard to explain why I had both, and he'd explain it to me when I saw him next." She explained, gently wrapping her arms around her thin frame.

"This is off topic, but he reminded me of my grandfather. He was warm, kind and very gentle... He was the reason I even woke up." She explained looking up at Optimus again. She stared at his optics, which held more emotions than she could list before he broke into a soft smile.

"You are a very unique child to have met Alpha Trion, though it pains me to know that he did not make this war. But, he was correct. You will be safe with the Autobots Skylar. But, I would suggest that we do not speak of your encounter with him. It shall be our secret." He offered. It brought a relieved smile to her face before she nodded and burrowed into his servo to look back at the sky. Feeling just the tiniest bit safe in the large warriors hand.

"Thank you Optimus..."

"You are welcome Skylar..."

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