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Rise up,


Fall down.

Rise up,


Fall down.

It was the constant pattern on Skylar's movements and breathing.

Intake air,

Hold it,

Exhale it,


WheelJack was hovering, worried, cautious and all but praying that Skylar woke up. Soon. But what did he know about the kid? Her race put her through hell? Hurt her? Abused her? She was barely fifteen Groons old and she had already tried to kill herself? She eyes held more hurt then anyone he had ever seen? She tried constantly to avoid all contact with humans?....

Ya, that was about it aside from the physical attributes.

Allowing his optics to dim a little WheelJack pulled up all he could on Skylar; name, age, parents, neighbors, creditcard uses, purchases, school records, dental records, doctor check ups, medical records, everything. Anything that might help him learn about his new charge.

Halfway through her medical something made him stop and read a paragraph. Skylar had bee to the hospital ten times in her entire life. First four times were viva two broken bones two different times, sprained wrist and surgery. The last six times were for depression pills, and five attempts at... suicide?

Slit wrists and slices length wise, one too many pills, hanging, and attempt at choking herself with small objects. She was constantly treated by the same person every time.

June Darby. Jack's carrier.

WheelJack huffed and looked to Skylar, watching her breathing pattern before venting heavily.

"Wake up soon kiddo... Ratch is about ready call Draby's carrier, I don't know how long I can keep him from calling her." WheelJack muttered, going back to reading over her files when she didn't respond.

Hopefully, with some time she'd heal and wake up.

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