32. My savior

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After I was ready, I gazed at my reflection in the mirror. I looked different than usual, the dress hugged my body like second skin. My hair was set in soft curls, swept over my right shoulder. The dark eye makeup made my green stood out against my pale skin. I was never the heavy makeup kind of person but the blush, red lipstick and smoky eye makeup really did wonders.

Satisfied with my appearance, I stepped out of the room, only to meet with the wide-eyed Nathaniel. He looked like he was about to knock on my door, because of his hand which was suspended in the air.

"Wow, am I in heaven senorita?", he gaped at me with appreciation.

"I don't think so. It feels like hell to me.", I pointed towards the six inches killer heel which made my feet hurt so badly.

He chuckled at my expense and pulled his hand out. "Let me hold your hand so that you won't fall."

"Ah very clever.", I walked forward, ignoring his offer. He began to walk behind me as we descended the stairs.

When we reached the halls, all the eyes turned towards me. I gulped nervously and suddenly felt self-conscious. They must be thinking what I was doing beside the Nathaniel Gilbert.

Holding my head high despite of my churning insides, I walked past them and reached Jessica who was standing near the mini bar, looking gorgeous as usual in her golden shimmery gown.

"You are a genius, Hazel. All the arrangements are perfect. I can't believe you just graduated.", she seemed genuinely impressed.

"Thanks.", I smiled.

She began to say something but stopped as her eyes fixated on someone. I turned around to find Xavier looking unbelievably handsome in a blue three piece suit which complemented his sparkling blue eyes.

His eyes slowly traced down my body and I suddenly felt too aware of the presence of Jessica beside me. She seemed too involved in her drink that she didn't notice the way Xavier's eyes darkened. I shuffled on my heels and lowered my head so that my hair could cover my heated face.

Remember what he said last time we talked?

"Umm.. I'll go and check the caterers.", I told Jessica and walked away from them to find a less crowded corner. Fortunately, the hallway seemed quite deserted so I took some heavy steps towards it. But unfortunately, I couldn't find any peace because my boss was busy making out with a brunette in the hallway.

"For God's sake, find a room.", I yelled at them and plodded back to the hall.

To my surprise, everyone's attention was on the dance floor where the bride and groom were busy dancing in each other's arms in the middle of other couples. Jessica had a big smile on her face while Xavier looked a little restless, his eyes were wandering through the hall, searching for someone. They stopped moving when my face came into view.

"Would you like to dance with me?", Nathaniel whispered in my ears. Without breaking my staring contest with Xavier, I nodded in a yes.

He gripped my wrist and led me to the dance floor, just beside them. Xavier's eyes showed some emotion for a split of second but he masked it well.

Nathaniel placed his one hand on my waist, drawing me closer and used his other hand to hold mine. With the music, our bodies started to sway but my attention was focused on the couple dancing beside us.

"So you will return to Seattle after this wedding?", Nathaniel asked.

"Obviously.", I responded.

"Do you believe in long distance relationships?", he joked in a teasing voice.

"I don't believe in short distance relationships either.", I answered, averting my eyes to his face. A mischievous grin was adorning his face.

"Why not?", he asked. I didn't have any answer so I just shrugged and changed the topic, "What about you? New York again?"

"I am thinking of shifting to Seattle. My heart will be stuck there so why not take my whole body with it.", this time, he was clearly joking. He wouldn't possibly move to Seattle.

"Care for a dance with your sister, cousin?", Jessica asked when the song ended.

Nathaniel nodded and walked towards her, leaving Xavier and I standing there awkwardly.

"Why not you dance with Hazel? You need to bond a little, Mr. Introvert. After all, she is planning our wedding.", Jessica instructed.

Xavier's eyes shifted to my face and he pulled out his hand awkwardly. Holding his hand, I moved closer to him. He wrapped his other hand around my waist and pulled me even more closer. Even after all the things, my heart still managed to flutter. The warmth radiating off his body created a tingling sensation inside my stomach and I inhaled his scent.

We began to move with the rhythm, our movements were synced perfectly. His minty breath was fanning my forehead and our kiss replayed in my mind. The passion, the desperation, it never felt like it was a mistake.

"You look beautiful.", I heard him say. Lifting my face, I looked into his eyes.

"Uh did you really call me beautiful? Or was it a mistake?", my voice was low so that nobody could hear us.

His face flushed with guilt. Creating some distance between us, I waited for the song to end. When it happened, I moved out of his hold and made my way to the entrance. Exiting the mansion, I took some long strides and reached the lake. The lake was glistening under the moonlight and the scene instantly calmed my mood.

Reaching the edge of lake, I moved down to sit but unfortunately, my foot slipped because of the mud and I landed right into the lake. I struggled inside the water but all in vain. It would be funny if I knew how to swim but unfortunately I didn't. I screamed loudly but it came out in gasps.

I thought I was going to die but then someone jumped inside the water. With blurred vision, I saw Xavier move towards me. He hoisted me up and moved towards the edge of pool.

"I was going to die. Oh my God, I was going to die.", I blubbered when he placed me on a bench.

"No, you were not. It was not even that deep.", he preached and kneeled down before me. Pulling my feet out of the heel, he threw it away and inspected my feet.

"Ouch.", I yelped in pain when he touched it. I looked down, only to find my sole bleeding and I had no idea why.

"Can you stand?", he asked and I nodded. But when I kept my foot down, another gasp left my mouth.

He sighed and pulled me up in his arms again.

"What are you doing?", I asked in confusion.

"Taking you to your room.", he responded and started walking with me in his arms. I was not sure how he managed to stay straight despite my weight. To prevent myself from falling again, I wrapped my arms around his neck and his neck vein popped out a little.

Thankfully, nobody watched us as he took me to my room because everybody was inside the hall where the party was held.


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