35. Adonis in boxers

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"You can do it, Hazel. You can do it.", I chanted the mantra in my mind as I peeked through the door of Xavier's room. Fortunately, there was nobody in there. Gulping the lump forming in my throat, I walked inside and closed the door behind me.

I looked around the room, there was nothing suspicious. I decided to start this treasure hunt from his cupboard. With small steps, I trekked towards it and opened it slowly.

It's wrong, so damn wrong.

The scent of Xavier's cologne engulfed me and I inhaled deeply. With fumbling hands, I started searching through his clothes for any clue, any piece of paper, any hidden CD. That's how people find something in crime thrillers, right?


I huffed and closed the cupboard. I turned around and walked towards the dressing table. One by one, I opened each of the three drawers. The first one contained nothing but two Rolex watches and a hairbrush. The second one had few files, all of which were related to his clients, nothing personal. When I finally opened the last one, I yelped. It consisted of his uhmm.. his undergarments, my face blushed crimson red and I shut the drawer hurriedly.

Damn it, there is nothing there.

I stood up to leave but my steps halted when my eyes landed on something in his bed. It was his wallet.

Don't be a freak, Hazel. Have some limits.

My inner voice scolded but as usual, I didn't spare her another second of my attention. I picked his wallet from the bed and looked inside, there was nothing else except dollar notes, few identity cards and...

Oh, my heart.

There was a picture of me, eating pizza. This was probably from our roadtrip. A smile grazed on our lips as I looked at my picture, my lips were smeared with ketchup and my eyes were fixated on the piece of pizza as if it was the love of my life.

Why Xavier? Why do you keep this photo in your wallet?

Another turmoil arose in my mind. I sighed and put the photo back. After placing the wallet back on its place, I turned around to leave but the sound of door opening startled me.

I looked towards the direction of sound, my eyes met with Xavier, not regular, decently dressed Xavier, but just-a-pair-of-boxers-covering-his-virtue Xavier.

Holy bagels.

He was the epitome of perfection, my eyes trailed over his muscular chest, his bulging biceps, his defined six packs, wow. I didn't let my traitor eyes wander any lower than that.

Damn it, why did I never sneak into his room before? It was like a free ticket to Calvin Klein ramp walk.

"What are you doing here?", he asked, crossing his arms in front of his chest, the action made his biceps more bulging.

What was I doing here?

"Uh.. I.. Umm.. I.. Umm..", I stammered, not knowing what to say.

With few long strides, he reached me and stopped almost two steps away from me. His eyes were narrowed to slits as he assessed my face. His hair was wet, few locks were covering his forehead.

"I asked you something?", he spoke in a low voice.

"Huh?", I emitted, not sure of what he asked before.

Get a grip, Hazel. Don't let the temptress lure you in.

"I.. Umm.. I was finding you.", I lied, trying my best to control my erratic breathing.

His frown deepened at my words. He knew I was lying!

"I should go, Stefan needs me.", I whispered and prepared myself to dash. But my clumsy self took in its hands to make the scene ten times more awkward. Because as soon as I started to move, my feet slipped and I stumbled forwards, right towards Xavier. He was definitely unprepared for the onslaught as he himself lost balance and we both landed on the floor with a loud thud, with me on top of him.

Sharp pain shooted though my feet but I couldn't care less, I was practically on top of Xavier. His arms were wrapped around my waist, keeping me glued to his body.

"S.. Sorry.", I stuttered, my eyes involuntary fixated on his lips. Our faces were close, very close, almost touching. I saw him gulp and his pupil dilated for a moment.

"It's ok.", he cleared his throat, his grip loosened on my waist and I pulled myself away from him. He stood up and pulled out his hand to help me stand up.

"Are you always this clumsy?", He asked, sitting down on the bed and I bobbed my head up and down. A ghost of a smile played on his lips.

"So..", he trailed off.

"So?", I mumbled.

"Stefan needed you, remember?", he raised his eyebrow and I looked at him with confusion. After few seconds, the realization dawned upon me that I just used this as excuse.

"Yeah", I muttered and made my way out of his room. I could feel his piercing gaze on my back yet I didn't have courage to turn around and face him again.


In the afternoon, I was sitting inside Jessica's room. She was discussing about her makeup with the beautician and hair experts and I was scrolling through my social media's account.

After finalizing her look for tomorrow, all three women left, leaving me alone with her. She showed me her reception dress and told me about her honeymoon plans. My heart clenched so badly when she showed me her lingerie collection which she was planning to wear on her honeymoon.

Fortunately, the torture ended when the door opened and Stefan barged in, a playful smirk adorning his lips.

"Guess who is planning your husband-to-be's bachelor party tonight in the biggest club of this city?", he smiled creepily and Jessica's eyes widened with fear.

"Don't tell me it's Nathaniel.", she muttered under her breath.

Stefan's smirk widened.

"Ughh.", Jessica groaned loudly and slumped on the bed.

What is going on in here?

"Is there any issue?", I asked in an unsure voice.

"My cousin hates Xavier. He would definitely try to jeopardize our wedding.", she wearied.

"Don't worry Jess. I'll take care of him.", he consoled.

"You? The person who even forgets his own name after few drinks.", she rolled her eyes and Stefan smiled sheepishly.

"Well don't worry, it's just a harmless party.", he said and whistled when his eyes landed on the lingerie sets.

"You don't know my cousin like I do. I need someone else to save Xavier from any of his evil plans in the club. Someone I can trust. Someone who can handle Nathaniel. Someone like...", her face lit up and she looked at me.

"Hazel.", she exclaimed.



The next chapter will be interesting.

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