44. A Day With Her

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Xavier's POV

"Sir, what should I cook for lunch? Miss. Hazel is coming today." our cook reminded me but what she didn't know is that she didn't needed to. I have been counting every hour from the last four days, just so I could see her again.

"Make pizza for her. She loves it." I said. "No, Pizza sounds too informal. Bake some kind of savoury pie." I told her but then again doubt filled my mind. "No, actually can you please make some kind of Chinese for her?"

She raised her eyebrows suggestively and I flushed red in embarrassment.

Was I behaving too odd?

"I'll make all three things." she assured me and I muttered thank you. After she left, I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I was wearing checkered shirt with khakee pants.

'I look like a middle-aged Dad.' I thought to myself.

'You are a middle-aged Dad.' the voice in my head replied.

'I don't have to look like it though.' I pointed out.

Pulling out a black shirt and blue jeans from the cupboard, I took a bath, changed into the new clothes and combed my hair back.

"Dad." Jade's vocie reached my ears. She was standing at the doorframe, with her hands tightly wrapped around her doll. "Is my dress pwetty?"

I noticed her wearing the white frock that I bought her last month. It had red polka dots over the flowy part and lace pattern on the bodice.

"Yes baby, you look like a princess." I praised her and picked her up in my arms. "Come on, let me tie your hair."

"No. I don't want pigtails." she said, shaking her head. "I like my hair open, like Hazel."

I chuckled at her pronunciation of Hazel's name. She pronounced it as Hajel. "Jade, do you like Hazel?" I asked, placing her on the bed.

"Yes." she nodded. I pinched her cheeks lightly and bent down to zip her shoes. "Dada, does you like Hazel?"

"Um..." I looked around to find anything that would save me from this conversation. "I... I do. I like Hazel. She is a nice girl."

"And pwetty too!" she added.

I smiled awkwardly at this. "Yep, she is pretty."

I was combing her hair when Cecilia came to tell me that Hazel was here. Before I could say anything, Jade hopped out of the bed and rushed towards the stairs. Calling her name, I followed her as she ran down the stairs.

"God Jade, you could have fallen-" my words got caught in my mouth when I saw her jumping on Hazel. She picked her up in her arms and hugged her, while laughing at her childish actions.

She looked really cute and fresh in the casual attire. Her hair were down in her natural texture and she was wearing a blue shirt with white pants.

"Hi." she said once she noticed me.

"Hi." I replied, tearing my eyes off her face and moved to prevent Jade from smothering her. "Sorry. She just got too excited on seeing you."

"It happens." she smirked.

I led her to the the living room and sat down in front of her. Jade chose to sit beside her instead of me and I made a fake pout at this.

"Accept it Mr. Davis. Your daughters likes me more than you." she grinned proudly.

"I don't have any issue with that." I commented and her smile turned shy. She diverted her attention from me and indulged herself in playing with Jade.

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