Chapter 10

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I am so sorry for not updating immediately after Eid.
I got busy with a family wedding but I am back now and better. This chapter is going to stir up some excitement 🤭 It took a lot of time and doubt but it's finally here.
Make sure you VOTE , COMMENT, SHARE and FOLLOW MAYAAWRITES on ig for more updates!
Happy reading❤️

"So when are you coming back?" Jadwa plumped into the sofa, the phone pressed against her ear.

"Babe, I'll try and come back this week, things have been hectic here," Abdulhakeem said, stress dripping from his voice.

"It's alright, you can take your time. I just miss you" Jadwa sighed, a pout forming on her lips.
She spoke switching into the video call, her eyes crinkling at the corners as she saw his face on the screen.

"I miss you too," he smiled, his voice softer now.

But a flicker of concern crossed Jadwa's eyes. She caught the strain in his voice and the way his shoulders slumped slightly.

"Is everything okay, Abdul?" she asked, her voice laced with concern. It was unusual for him to seem so drained.

"Yeah, why?" he masked it with a wider smile, but it didn't quite reach his eyes.

"You just seem a bit distracted" she frowned.

"You know how I've been extremely busy lately, but it's fine" he reassured her, his voice strained.

Jadwa nodded, relief washing over her. She subconsciously counted her lucky stars to have a sweetheart like Abdulhakeem. They spoke for hours, Jadwa filling him in on her day, her plans for her master's program, her cravings for a specific brand of ice cream, the new sunglasses she got and everything they could talk about.

With Abdul, everything felt comfortable, easy. They rarely argued, only having friendly debates on topics where their opinions differed. Their relationship was a haven of simplicity and love, something Jadwa sincerely appreciated. She knew finding a love like this was nearly impossible with the type of life everyone lives and how useless love had become.
The call ended, and a yawn escaped Jadwa's lips. Exhaustion finally hit her, and she drifted off to sleep.

The insistent ringing of her phone tore her from a peaceful dream. She fumbled for it, squinting at the screen. It was Ya Ahmad. With a sigh, she answered.

"Hello?" she mumbled, her voice thick with sleep.

"Hello, Jadwa! Don't you think it's already time to get up and start your registration?" Ya Ahmad's booming voice filled the room.

Jadwa shot upright, panic momentarily replacing sleepiness. "Oh my gosh, you're right! It's today!" she exclaimed, mentally kicking herself for oversleeping.

"Yeah, it definitely wasn't yesterday" he remarked with a chuckle that Jadwa could hear through the phone. She rolled her eyes playfully.

"I'm awake now" she mumbled, promising to call him back later.

She scrambled out of bed, as she showered, brushed her hair, powdered her face and changed, it was way past breakfast so she prayed and got out of the room.

Everyone had left the house except Ammi, she barged into her room and gave her a warm hug.

"Ammi, I'm going to the school now please can I use your car?" She asked politely.

"MashaAllah habibty! I think I left the keys downstairs, grab them on your way Jadu" she answered with a big smile.

Texting her sisters in their group chat to let them  know she was leaving and to tell her if they needed anything on her way back, Jadwa hurried out the door and into her car.

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