Chapter 15

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Jadwa was woken by the adhan app on her phone. She went downstairs without hesitation and headed straight to meet her brother. As she approached the car, she hesitated, her stomach churning with a mix of fear and resolve.

Ahmad turned, his brow furrowed in concern. "Everything alright?" he asked gently.

Jadwa took a deep breath. "There's something I need to tell you," she whispered.

Ahmad's concern deepened. He walked toward her, brushing a stray tear from her cheek. "What is it?"

Jadwa flinched at the touch, the warmth contrasting sharply with the icy fear gripping her. But she knew she couldn't delay any longer. Taking a steadying breath, she blurted out, "I'm being blackmailed."

The words hung heavy in the air, shattering the peaceful afternoon. Ahmad's brow furrowed further, confusion giving way to comprehension.

"Blackmailed?" he echoed, his voice low.

Jadwa nodded, tears welling up again. Reaching into her pocket, she retrieved her phone and unlocked it, her hand trembling slightly. She showed him the message thread with the cruel threats and incriminating photos.

As Ahmad read the messages, his expression hardened. Anger shadowed his eyes as he scrolled through the photos, his jaw clenching with each one. Silence descended upon them once more, heavy and suffocating. Jadwa watched him, her heart pounding. Finally, he looked up, facing her.

"Who is doing this?" His voice was a low growl, laced with a dangerous edge.

Jadwa shook her head, tears spilling down her cheeks. "I don't know." Shame and fear threatened to consume her, but she forced herself to speak. "I haven't told anyone except Hannan... until now."

"Who the hell is this?!" He dropped the phone on the table. "Who is the person in these pictures?" he asked sternly.

"Ya Ahmad, I went to the spa..." She narrated what happened, and he listened carefully, taking in every detail.

"I will ask you again," he pointed a finger at her, "do you know this man, Jadu?" He raised his voice.

"Ya Ahmad, I don't. I really don't. I promise you won't believe me, but that's really what happened."

"Are you sure you don't know who this man is? If I investigate this and find out you are not innocent, I'll deal with you mercilessly, Jadwa," he warned.

"I agree," she nodded, tears streaming as she stood before him. She had expected this, or even worse. Ahmad could give her a bitter punishment for this, but she didn't care; she knew he would do something, and that's all that mattered.

After some minutes, Ahmad reached out, gently cupping her cheek. His touch was a silent reassurance, a promise of support. "You should have told me sooner," he murmured, his voice softer now. "We'll figure this out."

"I am so sorry," Jadwa cried.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" he asked, bringing her into a warm hug.

"I was scared you wouldn't believe me. I didn't know how to. Hannan pushed me to tell you," she said honestly, still in his embrace.

"I'm sorry. I'm just angry and needed to ask these questions before diving into any investigations." Relief washed over Jadwa, warm and calming. The weight that had been crushing her began to lift. She wasn't alone. She had Ahmad and Hannan. They would face this together.

"Thank you," she whispered.


The next morning, Ahmad knocked on Jadwa's door to wake her. She got ready and joined her brother for breakfast.

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