Chapter 10-Help me

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Watching the light drain from someone's eyes is terrifying , but knowing that you're causing it... Let's just say that it isn't a very nice feeling.

Already feeling their souls gathering 'for me', I realized how much help I was really going to need to get my powers under control, because everything I was trying wasn't working.I had already I closed my eyes and focused on their souls and although it took a bit of searching  I found the mess of their souls inside me. I had tried not to freak out at its continuos growing size I started trying to separate them, feeling the four different souls, disreguarding the number of souls I felt  more and more of their souls getting in me, it was hard to separate them. I had to find a way to stop collecting their souls first or they would die before I could ever even hope to return their souls. I started trying to close myself from their souls, but I had no control over my powers. Panicking I realized I only had seconds left before they were to lose their souls forever, then I felt the familiar feeling of a portal being opened and looked up to see, (surprise) Death.

"Wow, you can't even last a week before your powers go all out of control." Death said as she arrives.

"Sorry." I reply scrating the back of my head.

"Now to save these young kids..." Death paused string at Danny for a second before handing me a necklace... it was made out of silver with a skull on it in the eyes were two jewels, one green and one red. "Go on put it on, it will help you stop absorbing them."

Hurriedly I put on the necklace and when to ask what to do next when I realized Death was gone. Sighing, I went back to focusing on their souls inside me. Recognizing Hermione's first I started separating hers from the rest first. Once I got it all gathered I started herding it back towards her body, which was surprisingly easy. The second she got the part of her soul that I had accidentally stolen I could feel the life starting to bloom again in her body. Focusing back on the souls I could feel one of the souls blended with another one, ok so that one must be Harry's taking the souls apart I gave Harry back his, and Ron's shortly after, keeping the yukey feeling black soul seperate.
Staring at them winded, because hey! Who know saving people from yourself is exhausting? I put the necklace under my shirt and started to move out of their little room because I didn't want to accidentally kill them again.

Hermione seeing me start to move towards the door said, "Hey, wait! Where are you going?"

"I'm going to the bathroom." I replied panic in my voice from having to stay in the room longer and worry from my thoughts if Death hadn't shown up to save the day.

Leaving the train's compartment I almost didn't hear Hermione mutter, "Ok."


Once I found an empty compartment I looked around to make no one was looking, which no one was, and started concentrating on forming a duplicate. Just when I was about to do it I heard a knocking on the door which broke my concentration.  Looking up I saw a woman pushing a trolly.

"Would you like some candy?" She asked.

"No, thank you," I declined. After she left I focused and duplicated in human form, which is very hard to do might I add.  I left my duplicate with the instruction to get dress for Hogwarts  and act asleep until I get back.

After I went ghost I flew into the GZ leaving my duplicate, who was already dressed to get comfortable in the empty train compartment.
My portal opened right by Clockwork's clocktower so I went in, maybe he has some words of advice.

"Nice to see you again so soon, Daniel."  Clockwork said turning to face me.

"You know why I am here Clockwork."  I say hoping that his advice wouldn't be so cryptic this time.

"Please say what you want from me anyways, to follow the correct time streams."

"Ok fine, do you have any advice that you can give me to help me control my Death powers?  Or maybe point me in the right direction?"

"Daniel, Try looking by the Balance Tree.  It may serve you well."

"Thank you Clockwork."  I say as I leave (not without giving Clockie a quick hug first though).  What could be waiting for me at the Balance Tree?

The Balance Tree is on quite a ways from Clockwork's so it gave me time to think.  What could be there for me that would help.  Well, it is a known location for Life to hang out at, also there are legends of the fruit that grows on the line between the Life part and the Dead part, that only a person worthy , like Life and Death  can pick it.  I've had a theory that I could do it, but I've never gotten around to do it.  Maybe now is a good time, Clockwork did send me to the tree.

As I approached the Balance Tree I was taken by it's beauty. There was a line right down the middle of the tree that was the line between life and death. There was the one fruit in the middle on that line it was shaped like an apple, but was half red and half green. The half of the tree that symbolized life was light brown in color and the leaves a vibrant green with many buds and some flourishing flowers all unique in color. The side that represented death was pitch black and had some leaves and pines, but somehow it managed to be very beautiful.

As I got closer I realized that Life was sitting under the tree on her(?) side, facing away from me. Now, all I had to worry about was how to explain to Life that I am almost killing people by accident and need her(?) help?


Hiding a Phantom book 1: at HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now