Chapter 47- The Start of the End

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The last two days before Samhain were busy, filled with homework, lessons, and training.

Don't worry, you'll do fine!

But, what if I don't complete it fast enough and end up getting absorbed into another part of my soul?

If that happens, then it was meant to happen and there is nothing more that you could do.  The pick up is tonight after dinner so I suggest that you put your worries aside and get to eating.  Who knows what may happen after the fact.

True, but still I'm more nervous about this than the fact that my teachers are trying to get me to take my OWLS this year and most people take it after 5 years!

That is something that you should be more proud about than worried about.  It means that your teachers think that you are really smart and want to take that time to make you the best 'wizard' you could ever be.

I guess that I never saw it like that...

That's why I'm here after all.  I'm here to help you in anyway that I can.

Thanks Phantom.

No problem, Vasiy Danny 


At dinner I decided to eat with the Hufflepuffs, but that didn't last long as they, as soon as I sat down, started asking me what was wrong.  I tried to ignore them, but I couldn't so I left and went to eat with Draco instead.

When I went to go sit down next to him, his two 'body guards' Crabbe and Goyle got up and left to go sit with someone else as I sat down to join him in his meal.  

"So why did you decide to grace me with your presence after sitting with the badgers?"

"Because they wouldn't leave me alone."  I replied honestly.

"Fair enough, so do you have any allergies?"

"Peanuts and tree-nuts."  I replied still telling the truth.

"Good to know."  I heard him mumble to himself.


"So, what is your favorite dessert?"  I asked as all the plates changes to have sweets, cakes, pudding, ect.

"I would have to go with the Trinkle Tart, what about you?"

"I like pumpkin floats."

"Those are rather good aren't they."

"Yup."  I replied popping the 'p.'

It was then that a galloping sound could be heard echoing from the castle.

"Can you hear that?"  I asked Draco, referring to the galloping noise.

"Yea, I can.  What do you think it is?  Is it the head-less hunt?"

"Maybe I'm not sure." 

The hall soon grew to be quiet as  everyone soon heard the 'horse.'  Pretty soon the doors flew open making a huge crashing noise.  The whole room started at what caused the doors to bang with such a deafening sound, only to find an ectoplasmic being (like what skulker looks like under his armor) only three inches tall.  

The room burst into laughter (as many were worried what was causing the sound) as the tiny ectoplasmic being stepped into the room and cleared its voice.  "May I present to you the embodiment of fear and Halloween, Fright Knight."  The voice rang in its high squicky voice.

Its time to go.

But he's early! 

Isn't he always though?

True, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm not mentally ready.

Nothing you can do about that now.

I sighed and summoned all my things under my seat, that I might need (ecto-food -in case the trial space doesn't have ecto-plasm, 5 of my standard first-aid kits, 3 phantom thermoses -you can never have enough, and some clothes for me to wear in each basic time period -both 'muggle' and magic.)

I could hear him before I could see him.  As Fright Knight entered the room whispers erupted all through out the hall as they were all speculating as to why he was here.

"So why do you think he showed up here?" 

"We'll see why in just a moment if we wait patiently."


Fright Knight cleared his voice and the room fell deathly silent, "Warrior Daniel, I am here to collect you for your event scheduled for tonight."

Standing up, I grabbed my stuff under the bench, and approached him.  When I reached him I locked eyes with Proffesseur McGonagall and nodded before calling out to the school, "Good bye everyone.  Hope to see you again!"

And with that Fright Knight lead me out of the Great Hall and into a portal he had opened on the wall right out side of the Great Hall.  When I entered, I let my transformation wash over myself as I felt the most me I had felt in a long time. Nothing beats being in the Ghost Zone in my natural form.  

"We are here."  Fright Knight spoke to the Ghost who was looking in a mirror, that I couldn't see the reflection of.

"Welcome back, Young Daniel."  The ghost (Clockwork) said welcoming me into his arms as we embraced.  

"I'm glad I get to see you before I start."

"Me too.  Now good luck, Young Daniel."

Opening a portal (that was orange?) with his staff, he ushered me into it not giving me time to mentally prepare myself.  Once I entered I could not longer tell where I was for what I was doing, I was falling, rising, up, down, left, right, sliding, climbing, flying, dying, living, twirling, spinning... then I wasn't.  

A/N:  Hi, y'all thank you for reading my first book!  This is it for the first book, what did y'all think?  I hope that you enjoyed it!  The next book will pick up right where we left off, so I look forward to seeing you there!

As my poll that I opened up on the last chapter is still going I can't tell you the name of the next book :(, but I will after it closes on Jan. 1st, the best day to start things.

From now till Jan. 6, I am opening a challenge to y'all!  If you design a cover for my next book that I like (Hiding a Phantom book 2), I'll do you 1 favor (Have your name in the summery for starters, and then you can pick between spoilers, having me follow you, or anything else you might suggest -with in my abilities).  

Edit (Jan 6):  I have decided to extend the cover date due to popular demand until tomorrow (the 7th).  Please email me your finished covers through my email bluebird8683(at sign)  Please label it in the Subject Hiding a Phantom Book 2 cover, so that I know what it is and don't mark it as spam.

Thank y'all again for everything.  Y'all are the best readers out there, give yourself a nice big pat on the back you deserve it!

Hiding a Phantom book 1: at HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now