Chapter 15-Transfiguration

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Decending the stairs, I was surprised to run into Hermione, Harry, and the red-head whose name I can't remember.  Feeling guilty for almost killing them I approached them.  After seeing me they stopped, standing in front of them I bowed my head in apology. "Sorry, I couldn't help you on the train."  I said, already struggling to not absorb Harry's soul.

"It's ok, its not like you were causing it or anything."  Hermione responded.

But, I kind of did, I though to myself as I said, "Glad there are no hard feelings."

"Now we best be off, 2nd period is about to begin."  Hermione said already urging the other 2 along, her eyes narrowing before turning to face the other way.  

"Bye,"  I call as they turn a corner leaving my line of sight.

Heading for my first real class, transfiguration, I was nervous.  I was going to be the only one in that class.  Sighing, I turn to face the door and knock on the door before entering.  Closing the door behind myself, I walked up to her desk seeing her eyes look me up and down before asking for me to sit.  

"Welcome Mr. Work, to my class, if you have any questions, please feel free to let me know.  Now I have a few questions for you before we start.  Have you even looked at the textbook yet?  Please respond honestly." Professor McGonagall asked.

"I've read through it, but I'm not sure how much sunk in."  I reply.

"Great, so let start with a simple transfiguration, turning a needle into a match stick."

"Sure.  Sounds simple enough."

"Before we begin with you randomly starting it, you need to understand the ins and outs of the match stick through observations.  There are two types of observations we will be discussing: quantitative and qualitative. For example you only have 1 match on your desk, and it has a red tip, that will light when struck.  There are five senses that we can use which are sight, sound, taste, smell, and touch. It is important that we make observations about everything before we try to transform it. You cannot begin to try to change something without understanding it first, so we must always take the time to truly look and get to know about what you are transforming. Now tell me about what you see."

"Well, the matchstick is a little over an inch long and not very wide. It has a light colored appearance with a slight brownish tint. The tip is bright red, like you mentioned earlier and the body is rectangular in shape, with the tip more of a rounded bulb. One end is slightly ragged from where it was torn from the book, I can assume.

"Good, now there isn't much we can do about sound or taste, so what about smell?"

"Well, it smells like wood, earthy and all that stuff.  And the tip smells a tiny bit smoky?"

"Ok.  What about our last sense, touch?"

"The match is slightly rough to the touch. That is probably because it needs to create friction in order to light and that would be hard to with a smoother surface."

"Now I want you to tell me about the needle you are going to turn this match stick into."

"Well I plan on my needle being made out of bone-"

"How about you make it out of steel instead, like normal needles are made out of normally."

"Ok Professor, it will be made out of steel, it will be thin and round with a point at the end, it will be smooth and have a hole in it so that if I were to sew with it the thread could go through."

"Good, good. Now, I want you to visualize the match transforming into a needle just like the one you described to me.  The spell you will need to use is Conmutocus, pronounced, 'kon-moo-TOH-kus' now you try to say it."


"Great now the wand motion is a straight jab at the match."

"Ok, so like this."  I say doing the spell with ease, except it does not go as planned the needles turns alive, like the mutant sausages back at Fenton Works.

Professor McGonagall raises her eyebrows.  And says, "That is a very unusual, result Mr. Work.  Never have I ever seen one put life into one of their needles.  I am used to the normal mishap like the hole is missing, the needle isn't sharp or it doesn't change materials, but never has it come to life.  I don't get what was wrong.  The spell was pronounced correctly, the wand movement was right.  Whatever caused this matchstick turned needle to come alive?"... 

The matchstick is now running up and down my desk as Prfessor Mcgonagall continues talking to her self about the matter at hand. Honetly not as surprised as one would think, I start chasing down the needle.  With Professor McGonagall not really paying attenction, I cast a shield around it so it could escape and grab it placing it infront of me grabbing Professor McGonagall's attenction.

"Here let me try something."  I say and before she can stop me I wave my wand at the now running away from me needle and think 'not alive.'  And by a stroke of luck it stops running and showing anysigns of life.

Professor McGonagall shakes her head as she speaks, "I have a feeling that this is going to be a very interesting year, Mr. Work.  Now, class is almost over please put away your wand and textbook, I'll see you next class."  She says and then turns into her cat form. I don't even blink as I put away my stuff to go.

As the bell rings I leave the classroom with Professor McGonagall's eyes trailing after me as I left.

~ Professor McGonagall's POV (Right after she transformed into her cat form)

The second I finished shifting into my cat body I was surprised by the urge to bow my head, like he was a superior to me.  Like, it was an honor that I meet him.  Where on Earth those thoughts came from that I should honor him, I may never know, but now anything concerning Mr. Work now has my undivided attention.   

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