Chapter : 40

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Aarav's Pov:

Finally, it's was Aashna's turn. She looked a bit scared but I was excited. I gestured others not to make her do something which she can't. So Ruan asked her a very simple question.

"Do you love someone?"

Her eyes widened but lips didn't missed to smile. Anyone would have said the answer just by looking at her. She was actually blushing.

"Yes, I love someone ."She said shyly.

"Who?” Everyone asked at the same time.

"That was not the question.” She whined. Stupid Ruan, he wasted the golden chance!

"Okay, the game ended. Now I will text my dad that it's was a game.” Divya said and texted her dad. Anushka also removed her Facebook status and got busy with her phone. I knew the reason behind why they both were busy with their phones but Aashna, why is she busy?

After the game ended, she took out her phone and started texting someone and she is still busy with it. I wonder with whom she is chatting?

My mind shifted to her answer which she gave few minutes ago.
'yes, I love someone'.

Who is the person she loves? I always hoped to hear my name, because her actions clearly and always said that but I don't know why I'm having second thoughts now.

"What's wrong?” Divya asked kicking my leg.

"Ouch.” I winced in pain. I don't understand why girls wear heels? To kick someone?

"Are you okay?” Aashna kept her phone down and looked directly into my eyes.

"Yeah." I said and she nodded her head.

I was happy that after that she not took her phone again, instead started talking with us.

The time flew so fast that I didn't realized that it was already night. The teacher came and served us our dinner.

"How much time is left to reach there?” Aashna asked.

"I guess 9 hours more to reach Chandigarh.” I replied.

"And then by bus, how much time it takes to reach Manali?"

"Six to seven hours.” I replied.

"Why? Getting bored?” I asked.

"No, I'm used to this... It's takes two days time to visit my village, I was just curious to know.” She said.

After the dinner it was time to sleep, which means Aashna will go back to her compartment and I was not ready to let her go. I want to sit and chat with her the whole night. But I was knowing that she is tired and should rest.

I dropped her near her compartment and was about to leave but she stopped me.

"Aarav?” She called and I was not able to move a inch ahead. I froze on my feet. I turned around to look at her.

"Goodnight.” She said. Why it feels like she has to say something else.

"Goodnight. And call me if you need something.” I said and she nodded. After that I came back to my compartment, everyone was sleepy expect me, and I will make sure that none of them sleep.

I went and got settled on my seats and snatched their phones from them.

"Are you all here to play with your phones?” I asked.

"Let's have some fun.” I said and then we started playing cards. It was mid night and I was still not sleepy.

"One more round.” I said and everyone replied with a big no.

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