Chapter 20

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Marcus' P.O.V
"She will what ?" I was so loud that I am sure everyone in the estate could hear my voice boom.
Jessica was in shock and took some time before she spoke again clearly she knew that I didn't want her to repeat those statements again.
"She came to me when you were visiting mom. We spoke and made amends. Then she wanted to go to the gym. We worked out for sometime when she suddenly popped the topic of Vanessa and her mate. She was eager to know how Vanessa rejected Karl. And I didn't know the answer because I don't know how to reject a mate I told her that she could find a book in the library or something. First I did not realise, I just thought she was inquisitive but when she narrated her tale about the fight you had, she had a determined look."

I listened to each and every word she clearly said. I wanted to be made at Jess but I couldn't. It wasn't her fault.
I just sat there quietly.
"You know there is a difference when your mate dies and your mate rejects you. But the only similarity between the two is you are mateless." Stacey quietly said it without meeting my eyes.
I knew she was thinking of the same thing. Her eyes blurred with tears. Her painful scream of that night still haunted me.
"You can control this Mark. I couldn't, Jason couldn't but you can. It is not the same to be without your true mate." She continued.

I just couldn't comprehend what am I supposed to do. Why was training women so important for Jordan. And that's when I saw Jessica hesitantly looking at me and then looking back at her shoes.

"What are you not telling me?" I growled. She gasped.
"Stop stuttering and tell me the truth."
"It is not my story to tell."
"What do you mean by that?"
"There is more to her past than just Luke. Maybe you need to get to know her more."
She walked away after saying that.
"Think about it." Stacey stood up saying that and she too followed her sister.

I just sat there, fighting on different thoughts. I finally decided to see my mate and talk to her , to know her and then I will decide.

I spoke to Jason and made him clear my schedule for tomorrow, tomorrow I would take Jordy for a date.
I walked towards her room and I found the door slightly ajar. I quietly stepped in and found my beautiful mate sleeping peacefully.
She was hugging the stupid book of rejection as she slept.
I reluctantly walked out of the room to sleep in mine. 

The next day as soon as I woke up I had a shower and went to met Jordan. Luckily I found her in the kitchen having breakfast with Jess, Stacey and Jason.
I cleared my throat to grab my mate's attention, I knew she had already sensed me but chose to ignore me.
"Hi Jordan. Can I have a word with you?"
"Nope. I am eating."
"Please babe."
"I am not your babe."
"Jordan please."
"Fine you big whiny baby."
I took her hand and walked her outside.
"The day looks bright and clear." I said as soon as I knew nobody could hear us
"Seriously dude, you want to discuss the day?" She scoffed.
"No, uhmm i would like to take you out on lunch."
Her expression clearly stated that she wasn't expecting that.
"Yea sure." She said hesitantly.
"Okay then be ready by noon."
She nodded and walked inside to join the others.

By noon I found myself knocking at her door. She told me to come in and there she stood by the mirror wearing a cute sun dress. She was doing her hair when I walked towards her.
"Leave it down. You look beautiful like that."
She nodded and combed her long hair.
"Why are you trying to take me on dates now." That was her first question when we sat in the car.
"I have my reasons."
"Are you trying woo me mister?"
"Obviously, every mater tries to woo the other."
She rolled her eyes.
"I just want you to know me before you reject me." I said quietly.
I hear her taking a sharp breath. I knew that even being new to the wolf world she knew that rejection was big thing. It meant all the bonds get destroyed and the pain in unbearable. She must have read the book and the details because I saw her frown.
"I don't think I can reject you Mark." She said it so softly that I hit the brakes very hard.
I turned to look at her.
She didn't look at me.
"I spent years to find a family and finally Luke came into my life. Spending so many years with him I knew he was the one. Now look where am I ? In this wolf world. I don't want to lose more." She had tears in her eyes.
"Hey hey. Please don't cry." I removed the seat belts and hugged her.
"There is this annoying pull towards you continuously but I like it. World seems better when I am with you." She muffles in my shoulders and pushed me away slightly.
"But that doesn't mean I will stop giving you cold shoulders. You will have to train women and that's when I will truly accept you. I might not reject you but I won't accept you either." She said it with a hard look.
I felt proud to see her like that. She was strong. She knew how to not fall into temptations. But I knew if she doesn't accept me in the next 10 days she will go in heat and it will be painful for both of us.
"What are you thinking?" She asked
"I don't know Jordy. Women have never trained in werewolf history."
"Then let's change it! That's how people recognise great leaders because they do something out of the box."
I took a deep breath.
"You know not to accept the bond will be tough."
"Yes. I know. I know I will go on heat in the next full moon. I need to accept the bond before that or else I will suffer from the pain of heat for 5 days."
I clenched my hands on the steering.
"You know that I won't be able to see you in pain. Well played Jordan."
She looked shocked.
"I never thought of it like that Mark."
"Yea right." I was annoyed. I felt tricked. Here I thought I would take her on a date try to know her better. And maybe allow the women training. But this woman was tricking me into this.
"You are getting it wrong Mark. I was not tricking you. I knew I would under go pain but I thought you would listen to me because I am your mate." 
"Shut up. Why moon goddess, why did you mate me with this woman." I was angry and my wolf was on the edge.
"Get out." I did not let her complete the statement.
"Mark please you are getting me wrong."
"I SAID GET OUT." I screamed loud and she cringed to it and hurriedly got down from my car. She was in tears and my wolf was mad at me for treating her like that. I zoomed past her.

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