Chapter 30

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Jordan's P.O.V
His words stung me.
"What?" I looked at Mark accusingly.
"Is he speaking the truth?" I asked my mate. I was damn sure that Mark wouldn't mess this up. I knew Luke was lying l, why wouldn't he? He is in a cell now obviously he hates me so he will fill my head with lies. But what broke me was the look Mark held.
It was a mixture of shock, anger and fear.
I gasped in realisation that Luke was speaking the truth. Unable to take in the truth I moved backwards to take support if the wall.
Mark Walker towards me.
"Jordy I can explain. Just listen to me as well...."
"Shut the fuck up!" I screamed at him. The prison echoed with my loud booming voice.
I pushed past my mate and ran out.
I ran fast and hard not thinking where I was going.
I ran for around 45 mins and that's when I realised, I didn't know where I was. I was surrounded by huge trees. I fell on my knees and cried. I didn't like to cry in front of others or portray I am sad.
But I knew what I was going through. In the last 10 days my entire life changed I became a normal human to a wolf. And the man I loved actually loathed me. The man I am supposed to love keeps hurting me and my dead parents are alive. All these revelations was creating cyclone of emotions. I didn't know what to feel. So I just sat and cried.
There was a irritation in my head. It was like some was pulling the nerves of my brain.
Where are you Jordan? You can't run ....
and then everything went silent. His voice somewhat calmed me down but I just didn't want to hear it. I was focusing on not trying to hear him.
Are you trying to block me...
I heard his booming voice again and I tried to ignore it again.
So whatever I was doing was working and I had no intentions on going back there so soon.
I stood up and started running again. No realising which way to take. I just walked on my instincts.
Let me out Jordan.
I heard Sara she sounded sad.
What's wrong Sara.

I am hurt with what Mark did to us but you know I can't stay away from him this long. Please let me out so that I can take you back home Jordy.
She did sound sad and drained.

You know that can't happen Sara. We always forgive him so easily. We forgave him even when he left me on the road and cheated on me. I can't forgive him so soon. He needs to prove himself this time.

You need to give him a chance to explain Jordy. Maybe he had his reasons. You should have spoken to him before running off to an unknown place like this.

She sounded and angry and bitter this time.
Come on you can't be real if you are blaming me like this!

Our mate needs a chance to prove himself Jordan.

He was given enough!

And I think that shut her up. But was proven wrong when I heard her alert tone.
Someone is here. A wolf but not from our pack.

I didn't know you had real talents as well other than annoying me.
All she did was growl.
I was impressed that even in our argument she wanted to protect me first.

Stop and focus. Someone in a secluded place like this at such late hours can not be a good news. Keep walking east and contact mate.

She said this and disappeared from my mind. I got up and kept running towards east but soon enough I could hear footsteps behind me. I increased my speed and ran faster. But the footsteps grew closer and suddenly vanished.

Everything happened so quick after that I couldn't register what actually happened but at the moment i was on the ground on my stomach and there was a heavy weight on my back.

"Who are you?" A voice spoke very close to my ears.
"I .." I stammered. I was scared. I do not know why but the voice was menacing, powerful and scary.
"I asked you something."
"I am Jordan."
"And what are you doing here so late?"
"I lost. Please let go."
As if he understood the sincerity in my voice and let go off me. I hurriedly stood up and looked at that source of power. Even in the dark animalistic creatures like ours could see clearly. That's what I realised after being a wolf.
I had never seen such deep blue eyes in my life. I stared at the handsome face for a long time before I averted my eyes because Sara snapped at me for staring so long.
"You have been crying." He said in an inquisitive note.
"And you are marked by an Alpha."
I was confused because he was making such statements so confidently. He looked thoughtful when I didn't argue with the facts he just stated but I was confused how did he know I was marked by an Alpha.
"Where is your mate?" He asked a bit too concerned.
When he realised that I wasn't going to answer.
He held my shoulders in concern.
"Did he hurt you?" He looked deep into my eyes. He was trying to get search for the answer in my eyes.
Did Mark hurt me?
Of course he did. Multiple times!
But I guess the hotshot stranger wants to no if he hurt me physically.
I shook my head vigorously.
"No no. He didn't hurt me."
"Then why are you running away from your pack?" He narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms on his chest truly unsatisfied with my answer.
I was confused. How was he stating facts!
He knew everything about me and I don't even know who he is.
The name is Victor.
A very familiar new voice boomed in my mind.
And I was too shocked to realise what just happened.
But the smirk on the strangers face was evident that he enjoyed what he was looking at.

Hello readers I am so sorry for this late update. A lot has been going through lately. 🥺 and that's why I was too held up to update.

Anyway .. do you have any guesses to who is Victor? Will he be the bad guy or the good one?
Drop your comments lovelies 😘😘

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