Chapter 24

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Jordan's P.O.V
I do not know why was I so tired and kept falling asleep. I do remember hearing Sophie mumble
"You are strong. You can do what I couldn't." Before I drifted off to a deep slumber.

When I got up I found myself in my room. I was still wondering how I reached there but heard a soft knock at the door which cleared all my doubts.
"Jordan. Please let me in."
"Come in."
As soon as he entered I barked.
"What do you want?"
"Just wanted to see how are you? I found you sleeping in mom's room so I got you here."
"I am good. Thanks." I got up from the bed to walk towards the shower, I realised lately showers made me relax.
"Jordan. I am sorry." The way he said it, it sounded that he has never used these words.
" I know I have been mean, rude and reckless. I want to fix this please."
His voice was desperate and I wanted to melt immediately but no, I had to be strong.
"How do you think you can fix it? You have already cheated on me and decided on the Luna."
"No no. Please let me explain. I didn't see Vanessa's face since the time you went into the deep slumber."
I just rolled my eyes.
"I just wanted to hurt you. I am sorry."
"It was meaningless sex with Vanessa. Because I knew it would cause you pain..."
"Get out of the room Mark."
"Please Jordan."
"I said get the fuck out of the room or I will leave." I pushed him and I was shock with the strength I possessed. The shock was clear on his face as well.
"You are strong."
"Yes..." I trailed.
"I haven't seen any she wolf as strong as you ever."
I was staring at my hands. Trying to find answers to the questions I didn't have.
"Get ready and meet me in the training room. I want to test your strength."
I just nodded still in shock.
I had freshened up quickly as soon as he left and then rushed down to the training room wearing my yoga pants and sports bra.

As I neared the training room I heard voices.
"She is strong." I guess that was Mark.
"We all know that."  I think this voice belonged to Arnold.
"I mean physically."
"I meant that too. I had see her push you the other day. And didn't you notice you can't scare her."
"Hmm. I did notice that also. I have called her to train."
"You what?!" Shock was clear in Arnold's tone and I had a victorious smile.
"I had to. She is strong dude. Anyway go attend to pack stuffs she will be here any moment."
I thought it would be a good time to enter.
I cleared my throat and grabbed their attention. I saw Mark narrow his eyes.
"How long were you eavesdropping for?"
"Long enough, where I could make out that you are impressed with my strength." I grinned at him.
No matter how mad I was with him yet I was drawn towards him. I don't know why and how.
"Come on super girl, show us your strength." Arnold chuckles.
"Go and do the assigned work instead of ordering her Arnold."
"Yes Alpha." He said that rolling his eyes and left the room giving me a small good bye wave.

"Come on." He pulled me towards him and I accidentally bumped into his chest. Soon enough my body gave up and I was desperately waiting for his touch. I couldn't ignore his heavy pants too, the way he was controlling to kiss me was too evident.
"You are so beautiful." He broke the silence.
"Forgive me Jordan. I don't know why I wasn't listening to you. What you said was logically correct. I need to train the She wolves but..."
I couldn't let him complete it because I wasn't listening to half the things he said, I just kissed him in hunger. I didn't know how my body controlled my mind but I was enjoying being in his arms.
Our kiss was passionate and longing. His hands travelled to my bare stomach and I felt the chills.
His hands were exploring my body and his mouth was on my neck. He was slowly sucking onto his mark making me more vulnerable.

"Mark me." He whispered in my ears.
I didn't need any more persuasion and grabbed his neck but a voice stopped me.
"Bitch! Leave my man alone." And immediately I was out of the trance. I pushed Mark out of my embrace and looked at him with disgust as if he lured me into this.
Vanessa strolled towards Mark.
"Honey, I am the one who is supposed to bite you there not her." She slurred. Mark's eyes were still fixed to mine .
I couldn't decipher the emotions they held though.
But I knew mine showed anger and hurt. I didn't like the way she was touching him. This mate bond was too much to handle. From the corner of my eyes I saw Vanessa trying to kiss my mate and all hell broke lose with that.
I pulled her away with her hair. I pushed her to the ground and sat on her stomach and punched her face.
"Never ever dare to touch what is mine again." I said each word slowly in anger. I am sure I broke her nose and damaged her back bad. I got to find a grinning Mark.

"I would pay my fortune to watch that again." He laughed.
I punched his stomach.
"And you, stay away from me."
"Can't ! Because you are my mate and it's the Full moon tomorrow. You will be too tempting for me and of course vice versa." He walked away shrugging. I tried to digest what Mark said. Tomorrow is the full moon and my first heat.

Before following him I looked down at Vanessa who was moaning in pain and was unconscious. She would be healed in a few hours.

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