Chapter Twelve

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"Oh Claire dear! Hello! You have officially survived almost two weeks with my son! I'm so glad!" She embraced me which was a little shocking. I hugged back, laughing nervously. She then pulled away smiling ear to ear.

"Oh come! We must take a walk around! If its okay with you Damien I would love to go with your mate alone" He glanced at me, nervously shifted while my eyes widened. Uh oh.

"W-well mother. I don't want to let her out of my sight" His tone was very monotoned.

"Oh stop being so protective. Its cute son, it really is but I want some alone time with my daughter in law!" She whined, tugging on my arm. Please don't make me go. I'm going to do something he doesn't like. He is going to get mad at me. I cant go. I cant I-

"If you wish mother. Actually, Claire can you come with me real quick about that thing from earlier. She will meet you outside Mother" His mother nodded, smiling and then leaving out the front door.

His eyes then glazed over, his hold was still on me. I waited patiently. Then he broke out, his grip on me tightened.

"I just told all of my guard to not go near you and to not let anyone else near you. My mothers sense of smell has deteriorated over the years and I have been close to you long enough"

"I-I don't know what to even do. What if she starts asking how we met or why I love you?"

"Just make up something and tell me it later. If you say anything about our little agreement, he wont be happy" I raised a brow.

"He..?" Then he blinked a few times, knowing he made a mistake.

"I meant I wont be happy. You understand me stop being a smart ass" I bit my lip, I didn't feel like getting slapped again so I didn't question the topic any further. "Just stay in line, alright?"

"Y-yeah...that's fine" He motioned for me to go, just giving me a stare.

For some reason this stare was completely different than the rest. Ever since the little shower incident he has been acting weird. As if his persona changed. His pupils would dilate if I was to get close to him. Almost as if he is looking at his prey. It was creepy. Yet...what am I saying to myself? Just drop the subject Claire, its fine. Everything is fine. Get through this lunch, then you get to see your family again. Stop falling for the brutal king with problems.

"Oh Claire darling! Come ill show you the garden" His mother pulled me with her, into the bitter cold of the day. I let out a shiver, trying to be subtle and not make her notice. I cant blow my cover. "I heard that you are a cook?" She started off the conversation. How did she- oh right my brother.

"Yes I am. I am no professional but I do make a mean Chili" I smiled at her. But I just wanted to cry instead. This is hell.

"You must cook for me sometime. You seem to be doing good on my son already..I've never seen him so open and happy" I bit my cheek.

He must be a great actor. She brought me over to this little dome. Thank god it was warm inside. I sighed in relief as she shut the door behind me. I looked around seeing all the vegetation. All the gorgeous plants that surrounded us. It was breathtaking. In the middle was a fountain with a bench. She dragged me over, sitting me down on the bench. I couldn't stop looking around at all the flowers I've never seen before.

"I want to know more about you dear"

"Well...what would you like to know?" I pushed back my hair from my face. Just try to look as natural as possible.

"Well first off. How did you meet my son?" Here is where the true art of bullshitting someone comes into play.

"We uh- we met at my pack. My brother, Caleb, was drafted to be in the guard and Damien came to come get him and saw me" It was already weird saying his name.

"Its funny because normally he never ventures to the packs to get someone who is drafted in his guard. Maybe it was just destiny" She added emphasis to the last word making me feel slightly uncomfortable.

"Anyways, I am glad you are dealing with him and so glad you decided to stay with him"

"What do you mean by that?" Stay with him? I thought mates didn't have a choice.

"Well as you know, rejection. But I didn't think any mate would want to stay with him after what happened" I raised a brow. She is being so cryptic. There is seriously something wrong here.

"What did happen? If you don't mind me asking..." She paused. Her demeaner dropped. It was odd.

"He should have already told you sweetie and I don't feel all that comfortable telling you if he hasn't already. I'm sure you two will figure it out" I don't understand all the secrecy.

What are they keeping from me ? Rather what are they keeping from the rest of the kingdom? It has to be a medical condition right? All the drugs, the mood swings, the has to be. She shifted uncomfortably, rolling her shoulders.

"There is just some things that cant be said" Maybe I should try and see if she can help me.

"I know about the pills...if that's what your referring to" her eyes widen.

"So he told you? About everything?" I nodded. I had to lie if I'm going to get her to spill her guts. "I'm glad. How much he is opening up to someone about everything. I'm so glad" her eyes were beginning to water. Whatever happened to them must've been so terrible. I have to get to the bottom of this.

Human She Was {UNDER CONSTRUCTION}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ