Chapter Fourty-Three

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A crowd had gathered within seconds. I could see the flashes from their cameras. I pulled away as quickly as I could, pushing at his chest to get him away from me.

The crowd was being pushed back by some guard as their cameras kept flickering. I put my hand up, trying to block the flashes from my eyes. I was being blinded by them. I can't see anything. I growled trying to move out the way but Damien kept me in place.

"Love...what's wrong?" I faced back to Liam, staring into his soft eyes.

"Why did he do that?"

"To keep up the appearance. Everyone is on edge and he thought that was best-"

"After man handling me? No sir. Wrong answer. God, get these cameras out of here" my eyes were starting to get irritated.

Liam looked to the crowd and growled.

"Everyone out. Now" they all stopped with the flashing of the cameras, beginning to run out of the room.

The guards slammed the door behind the crowd. I snatched my hand away from Liam's hand making him look at me in concern.

"Stop it. I hate when you do that!"

"But Claire. I love you but you're Queen now. Appearances are everything"

"My feelings should matter more than appearances. If you do 'love' me. You should know that" he didn't bother to grab me again when I walked towards the stairs. I made it towards the room angrily.


He came with a peace offering of food. A simple grilled cheese sandwich. He placed the plate down on the night stand next to me. I didn't bother to look at him.

He sighed, continuing to stand there. He's not getting a response out of me. Nope. Don't do it Claire. Look at him and it's over.

Cautiously my eyes looked up at him as he gave me that look. The look I always fall for and give in too. Resist. Claire resist.

"What?" God damn it Claire.

"I'm sorry" he pouted acting childish.

"You hurt me...again" he took a glance at my wrist and frowned. He bent down kissing it.

"All better" I scoffed shaking my head. "We need to talk"

"I'm done with talking. Talking gets us no where"

"Not about us Claire-bear, this is different. Please it's important" I groaned in annoyance then took a bite of the grilled cheese.

It was burnt. How does he burn a grilled cheese? I put the plate back down not really enjoying its taste.

"I'm serious" I felt the headache and looked into the eyes of...Noah?

"Why are you here? I did nothing to anger you" his eyes only narrowed.

"No but I still love watching you in pain" I gave him a confused look. "Your brother Caleb. Was found dead in his tent along with a few others" I felt my heart drop.

I gave him a blank stare.

"I'm sorry?" I questioned.

My brain not fully understanding. Another headache.

"Your brother is dead. I'm so sorry this had to happen. I'm so sorry" I don't think my brain can process.

I felt so...empty. I didn't move for a bit. I stood still, my eyes were starting to hurt.


"My brother. He's gone.... He's gone because of you!" I stood up quickly, the tears had now broke through the wall and we're beginning to stream down.

"I didn't know this was going to happen. He made a commitment and he-"

"Hurt me with the truth, but never, never comfort me with a lie"  I spat at him, turning my back to him.

I felt like I couldn't breathe. I fell to my knees, sobbing. I hugged myself, thinking of how he went. The ways he must've died. Oh god.

I felt Liam come down and touch my shoulder. I shoved him away continuing to mourn over my brother.

"Claire please"

I glared at him through my tears, my teeth gritting. He sat on his knees next to me. He left Caleb to die. He did this. Out of frustration I hit him in the chest pushing him away.

"Get away from me, you freak!"

"I'm sorry" he went to touch me again but I only hit him again in the chest with both fists.

"You killed my brother. I hate you!" I screamed at him, becoming hysterical.

"You don't mean that" he held my shoulders softly and I continued to fight him.

I continued to hit at his chest continuously. That was until he forced himself to hug me. I continued to cry into his chest, giving up on fighting. I was already tired. He shushed me, running a hand up and down my back to try and calm me down.


It took me thirty minutes. Thirty minutes to calm down. My cries had finally become quiet, the dry tears staining on my cheeks. We finally moved. He picked me up like a child, putting me down on the bed.

"Do you need anything? Anything at all?" I only shook my head, my mind being completely blank.

I couldn't think straight. I curled up into a ball as he put the covers on me.

"Do you want me to leave?" I nodded my head at this.

I heard him sigh, his footsteps going towards the door. The door opened, then shut softly.

I felt myself slowly breaking down again. I felt the tears come down once more, my cries breaking the silence in the air.

My brother. He's dead. He's dead. I couldn't even say goodbye. I couldn't say goodbye to my own brother. He went to early. Why did he have to die? Why did this have to happen? Why?

Then I heard the door open again. Not that I cared. I don't care anymore. I felt the bed dip next to me, his hand cautiously going onto my shoulder with my mark there. It just burnt.

"We have to get you up. I can't leave you here like this. It's hurts me" he lightly stroked the mark.

Is he for real? Is he actually fucking kidding? Out of instinct I grabbed the necklace from around my neck, flipping us over so I was on top of him. I put the necklace to his neck, my eyes full of rage.

"Shut the fuck up! Shut up! You bastard! How dare you? My brother is dead! It's all your fucking fault and you want to complain about you hurting? Your complaining about your pain? Are you fucking joking?" His eyes widen from under me as his neck began to burn.

He forced us back up and held my wrist making me drop the necklace. He let out a breathe, breathing heavily.

"I'm sorry. I get your upset and I'm sorry"

"Sorry doesn't bring my brother back to life!" I spat back at him. "Just leave me alone. Leave me the fuck alone you freak!"


"Get out! Get out!" The room shook lightly.

He looked at me in fear his mouth gaped. He put his hands up in surrender walking out of the room.

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