Chapter Twenty Five

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When I say we ran to the the room, we sped to the room with his speed. Then he shut the door slamming it. I yelped as he backed me into the wall and put his lips on mine in a second.

I let out a groan feeling the sparks, sparking at my skin as his hands began to roam down. I pushed him back not liking how I was cornered into the wall. I think we found the bed as he stopped, growling. He picked me up dropping me onto the bed. He was over me, he stared at me for a bit and growled once more.

"Take it off" Holy shit he wants to go all the way.

I couldn't even think straight at this point. The way my body felt, I couldn't say no. So away the shirt went as well as his. He was a god, perfectly sculpted. He got impatient and kissed me again his hands going down. I was under his trance.

"Claire look at me" my senses were driving me insane, I felt like I was on hyperdrive.

I lazily looked up at him. He grabbed the bra strap on my right shoulder, pushing it to the side. I could see his canines begin to form in his mouth. I suddenly felt fear. That is going to hurt isn't it?

"Are you sure?" I nodded hesitantly. They looked so sharp. "Claire you have to be clear with me or I can't stop" the swirling of yellow in his eyes.

"Do it Liam. Please" he didn't take another second.

He went to my neck kissing it then sinking in his teeth. I yelled out in pain, it hurt so much. He held my body down as I tried to get away from the pain. It hurt so fucking much then the pain stopped and I was in pure bliss.

I then begin to feel very sleepy. My eyes started to drop down and droop. He took out his canines, I could hear him breathing heavily. It must've took the energy out of him as well if that's how it works.

"Go to sleep love...sleep" His soothing words making me fall asleep almost instantly.


My shoulder was on fire. Well actually my whole body was on fire. Not a bad fire, a good fire. Fireworks erupting all over my body.

Currently I was being spooned by I'm assuming Liam. There was a bit of blood on the pillow under me. Probably from the mark. The mark. Holy shit I got marked last night! Wait...what else happened last night?

I looked under the blanket and saw I still had my bra and underwear on. Granted the bra was half on but I still had it on. His hand was hooked onto my waist and trailing my underwear line. I blushed a bit and sighed.

"How do you feel Claire?" I almost jumped.

"Oh your awake. You scared me" I admitted to him.

He kissed the top of my forehead then got up from the bed. His boxers were revealing his v-line. Me like-y. I think he noticed as he tilted his head at me and grinned.

"Close your mouth love. You're drooling" I rolled my eyes at him.

"We didn' know..." I motioned to the bed with my eyes. A blush ran up his checks.

"N-no. Just the mark was enough for one night" he stuttered. I grinned at him, he stuttered and it was still odd coming from Damien's mouth. I then looked back at the pillow and cringed.

"Sorry about that" he shrugged staring at it.

"How bad did it hurt?" Now he was guilty. I pouted a bit.

"Not a whole lot. But I need to take a shower and wash off all the blood and try and clean it up a bit better" I had to get up to do that.

So I turned my back to him just to tease him a little bit and pick up the pillow to throw it on the bed. There was a sudden pain in my head. I cringed at it wincing.

"I could join you" his tone changed.

I froze. Uh-oh. I turned back around to face him and he was already inches away from me.

"I held myself back all night long we could've kept going but the others didn't want to. You're lucky. You look so nice right now, especially because you're mine" he kissed at the mark on my neck making me groan instantly. I've never felt so much pleasure before and all he did was touch the mark. "Still very sensitive"

"Axel stop" then he kissed it again and my head went back to give him more access as a response.

Then he pulled away and smirked. I got agitated he pulled away, all that pleasure just gone.

"I have plenty more days to tease you my Queen" I pushed at his chest making him go away.

When I had my back completely turned to him he pulled at the hem of my underwear making me gasp. I turned around but he only whistled pretending he was all innocent.

Whoah when did he get so blurry? Maybe it was the side effect to the whole marking thing? I felt like I couldn't focus correctly.

"Are you okay?" My feet started to move back to the bed, I stumbled onto it, feeling as the ground was turning like a wheel. "Claire!"

I was so dizzy. Then a pain, my arm snapped at the elbow and it was bent in the wrong way. I screamed out in pain, my eyes widening at the disgustingly bent arm. "Holy shit!"

"D-Dam-" the arm snapped again and I let out another cry of pain. My arm was breaking by the bones, the pain unbearable.

"Okay someone is coming just hold on!" I started to sob as my arm slowly was pulling and cracking again.

He was trying to calm me down but I couldn't listen to him. My arm let out a sickening crack again making me cry out once more. I was screaming so loud I couldn't even hear my own thoughts. The door bust open and shut revealing the doctor from a couple weeks ago, from when I first got here. Then my other arm started to turn and crack.

"Okay I'm here. When did this start happening?" I screamed again as the bone in my arm snapped in half.

"A few minutes ago. She got up, started to feel dizzy and-and then sat down and it started to happen" he winced as my arm cracked again and I yelled out.

"You marked her didn't you?"

"Yes so what?" There was silence for a moment. "So fucking what?!" Noah, this was Noah had to be.

"Get her to the cells, she is turning"

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