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I Hate My Life.

• Annabeth Chase •

My grey eyes widened as I looked at my father in disbelief. "M-mom?" I asked, my voice gone all shaky and unsure.

My dad gripped my hands. "Athena. My first wife. Your mom. She's in new York. And that's were you are going," he said slowly, like it would take time for me to understand.

"I-I don't wanna go," I said, pulling my hands away from me.

"You don't?"

"No!" I exclaimed. "I have a life here, dad! I'm a captain, I have friends, a boyfriend, lots of students who look up to me and you want me to leave all of that?! Like how you made me do the same thing two years ago at my older school, Eastview?" I demanded him.

My father raised his hands. "Understand my situation, Annabe-"

"Why can't you treat me as a daughter for once?!" I asked. "You've never even seen me as your own blood! You act as if I'm some alien who barged into your family! You're gone 24/7, leaving me with that-" I pointed at Helen once more. "-that devil!"

My father's eyes turned steel hard. "Annabeth, you are crossing your limits. You cannot talk like this, you have no rights to-!"

I let out a burst of bitter laughter. "I'm the one who doesn't have any rights? Oh, says the guy who expects the daughter whom he abandoned for thirteen years to agree to whatever he says!"

"Annabeth! You are going to New York. I'm going into a hard stage, I have debts to pay and I cannot pay this entire family! You are going to stay with your mom, and she is okay with it. She is paying for your school so I can lift some burden of my shoulders. And that is it. This discussion is closed," He said, sternly and firmly.

I stared on at my dad, flabbergasted. "That's it? Done? I don't get any say in this?" I demanded.

"No. You don't." My father folded his arms, Helen peering out from behind him, a satisfied smile on her face.

"Fine," I announced, making my mind up. "I'll go. I don't think I can live with you loveless humans anyway! I'm only refusing to go because I actually have people who love me: the twins Bobby and Matthew, my friends, Lou Ellen, Sarah, and..Luke."

I got up quickly and looked at my dad. For a split second, I thought he looked at me sadly but immediately that cold look came back.

I huffed and stormed into my room, slamming the door shut. I collapsed on my bed and broke down into tears. I didn't like to cry, but sometimes you have to let your emotions loose because you can't keep them bottled in forever.
Just when I finally started fitting in, my dad pops in and messes everything up. This is what happens all the time. We constantly move cities because of dad's "job problem" or "family crisis" and some other shit like that.

I'm sorry if I'm being selfish, but I don't wanna leave San Francisco! I love too many people here and I can't abandon them and just...leave! Speaking of leaving, I had to say the news to Luke. And I'm absolutely dreading to announce it, but I really don't have a choice. And I hated this.

I took my phone and started texting Luke...

'We NEED to talk. Like, STAT.' -Me

'???' -Luke ❤️ the answer came back.

'Not now Luke. This is REALLY important. And I need you to comfort me when I burst into tears...' -Me I typed hurriedly.

'Annie?' -Luke ❤️

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