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The Spring Ball

• Annabeth Chase •

"Reyna! This dress would be perfect for you!" Silena said, smiling and holding up a dark purple gown.

Reyna scowled. "No." She pointed to a short green dress. "Why can't I wear that? This is way too girly!"

Hazel looked at the said dress. "It's good, but not good on you."

Reyna's scowl deepened. "Unfair! I thought America was free country?!"

I rolled my eyes at Reyna. Spring Ball was 6 days away, and the girls-excluding me, Reyna and Thalia-were peering over dresses, hairstyle ideas and makeup. Silena and Piper spent all their times on Pinterest, searching for cute outfit ideas.

Now, all the girls were in my house and Piper brought dozens of dresses in duffel bags, courtesy of her mom, Aphrodite, who owned a chain of stores, filled with designer clothing.
They sat on my bed and decided dresses for everyone while I ignored them all.

Hey! I have a good reason for that! I was reading a really good book on my phone, and I was getting to the end, the most interesting part. And I'd rather read a book than waste my time trying out fussy dresses. I was just not like that.

"Annabeth?" Piper said, sounding far, far away from me, because I was in a totally new world. "What do you think about this?"

"Hmm..." I mumbled, uninterested.


"Hey!" I whined. "Piper!"

Piper smirked at me, my phone on her fingertips as she twirled my life dangerously. "You'll only get it if you pay attention!" Piper cooed.

I grumpily folded my arms, giving her one of my death glares while blowing a strand of my blond hair off my face. "What is it?!"

Silena gave Piper a grin like good-job-Pipes! "We asked you what dress you want!" She exclaimed.

"Can I just wear my jeans and a sweater?" I pleaded.

Piper shook her head. "Not today! The Spring Ball is serious hon!" She said firmly. "Besides, Percy needs to fall in love with y-"

Hazel and Silena pinched Piper before she could go any further but everyone got the basic idea of what she was going to say. Rachel gave Piper a scowl.

Rachel picked the short green dress. "I feel like this short green dress would be good for me."

Hazel nodded thoughtfully. "Yeah, you're right," she replied.

"So Annabeth?" Piper asked. "What do you think about this?" She tugged on a dress the color of chocolate.

I shook my head. "No way," I deadpanned.

Before Piper could continue, my mom popped into my room.

"Hey girls!" My mom said, smiling. "What are you doing?"

"Well, currently trying to get a good dress for Annabeth," Piper replied, then shooting me a dirty look. "But Annabeth is not cooperating!"

"A dress for Annabeth?" My mom looked at me, like she was analysing me. "Wait!" She exclaimed, clapping hands. "I have the perfect one for her!"

She ran out of the room before we could comprehend anything.

Piper raised an eyebrow. "Annabeth...you never told me this?" She mumbled.

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