Ch 7

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"You're not fighting" Ace said

I wave him off as I walk out his room and going downstairs to the door. Danielle walk downstairs put her pair in a ponytail. We walk outside, when Ashley pull up.

"What you doing here?" Ace said

"Just case a bitch try that jumping shit!" Ashley said

A white car pull up and Tiffany got out with some three other bitches. I pop my nails off as I walk towards her. I deck her ass a couple times. She  was swing wild, so I grab her ponytail and swing her ass on the floor. I start stomping her face in. One girl try to rush but Danielle snatch her by the bun and throw her ass the other way.

"Get up bitch!" Danielle said

Once the girl got up, Danielle two piece her and kick in the stomach.

"Ratchet at three o'clock!" 4 said

Ashley close line the third girl, got on top of her and went to work on her ass.

"They beating... They beating... They beating.... Y'all ass!" QuanQuan sing

I two piece Tiffany before Ace pick me up.

"Keyanta put me down!" I yell

"No, chill out jit!" Ace said

QuanQuan and 4 pull Danielle and Ashley off the other two girls.

"This is ain't over!" Tiffany said spitting out blood

"Aye come over here again, I'm beat yo ass" QuanQuan said

They got in the car and drive off. Ace put me down and walk back in the house.

"Ohh, you gonna get itt" 4 said

I just shake my head and follow Ace upstairs to his room.

"Keyanta" I said

"Not in the mood" Ace said

"Are you mad at me?"

He laid on his back and got on his phone.

"Really Keyanta?!" I said

"Yes Kash, I'm mad at you for fighting!"


"Cause I don't you out there fighting"

"Periodt!" QuanQuan said

"Tre'von!" Danielle yell

"Girl fuck wrong with you yelling my government like that?!"

"It was just one fight!" I said

"I don't care, you don't need to be fighting Kash. That shit not cool, this whole thing could've avoided if you just ignored her!"Ace said

"I'm sorry"

He nod

"Now come here" he said

I walk towards him and sit in his lap

"Keyanta can you get my nails done?" I said

"Nope!" Ace said


"Cause you shouldn't have been fighting"

"Periodt!" QuanQuan said

I just shake my head

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