Chapter Ten: Red Tainted Hands

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The bus station did not change one bit from the last time I've stepped off the feet smelling bus. Not that I expected to change physical, but emotionally I still felt anxious and frightened from where I first arrived. "Are you sure about this?" Aunt May asked for the fifth time that morning, she placed a comforting hand among my back, hoping her touch would keep me by her side but it doesn't work, it only encourages me to leave.

I looked up at her and gave a curt nod. "Yes, I'm sure. I'll going to call one every stop, then after I check into the hotel." The loud intercom above our head screeched for attention before calling out my bus number and destination. I sighed heavily and forced a smile. "It's only for a few days, nothing to worry about. See you then." I adjusted the bag strap upon my shoulder, gave her another smile, and walked towards the long line to go aboard.

Once settled in a seat looking out the the window, I wanted to Aunt May once again to assure her I was alright, however before I could even attempt to raise my hand- a large body bumped into me. I went to glare and force the person to get another seat or at least to receive an apology. "Oh shit." The words left my lips before I could catch them.

"Yeah, oh shit." Lucas spoke through gritted teeth.

"No, no, no." I stated out the window to see Aunt May was gone, even her bright pink car was no longer in view. I knew it was too good to be true, and honestly I would rather have her by my side then Lucas- being that I barely know him. "How much is she paying you, because I can double it?"

"It's not your aunt that's forcing me in this situation." He grumbled with an obnoxious huff while tugging onto his hoodie and popping in one ear bud.

"Who then? The council?"

He didn't respond, which means yes. "Six hours of a bus ride with two stops, better lean back and relax, save all the complaints for later. Unless you want to leave, it would certainly make this job easier." Just then, the door closed and locked and the bus driver already started the old engine. "Or not."

I rolled my eyes slowly while slumping into the seat. " How does the council know I'm here?"

"God you are so clueless." He mumbled with a heavy sigh. "Once you let a seer into your mind, they can literally see everything you do. Whatever memory you have, either a second or ten years ago; whatever is stuck into your brain, they see."

Fuck...."So, what are you exactly? A detective or private eye? A bodyguard?"

"Let's just say money is really tight and being a detective doesn't pay much." He adjusted himself once again, this time satisfied enough to stay still.

"Don't you have to check into work-"

"Do we have to do twenty questions? You and I both know questioning everything won't change anything and you don't give enough shit to ask about my personal life, as it's the same for me."

Once again, I rolled my eyes and decided to take company in the outside world.


A long ride of snoring, loud music, and a rest stop later; we finally crossed over to South Carolina where we stopped for the second time until arriving to our official destination. The sun was starting to go down, the sky painted orange, yellow and blue, the air crisp and chilly. I stretched my limbs before taking in the familiarity; a long high way, trees, and large billboards advertising a some restaurant.

I rushed to the bathroom as soon as I stretched. A sigh of relief escaped my lips as I left the stale and straight to the row of sinks, the water was cold no matter what faucet I turned on- so cold, my body shivered, a chill crawled up my spine, and goosebumps formed along my limbs. Another stale opened, the woman too sighed in relief while stepping to the sinks. "Nice day isn't it?" She voiced.

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