Chapter Thirteen: Red Painted Nails

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The woman was no older than thirty, half of her body was hanging by a thread, legs holding a bite marks belonging to a vicious animal, and her throat sliced open. It was a horrid site, I wouldn't have wished this attack on my worst enemy. "The report say she was found on the side of the road in the back woods. First being mistaken as a deer by people who pick up road kill." Aunt May huffed while slamming the folder and tossing it to the side.

Red hair, blue soulless eyes, plump lips; she was beautiful. I circled my arms around me, mainly to keep warm and not throw up on the freshly cleaned floor. I eyed her body, studying every mark and wound. "I thought Lycan's were on the down low, like vampires."

"They are... at least they're supposed to be. Lycan's can lose their temper sometimes, especially the young ones. The poor thing could of been out with her boyfriend, they could of fought and things turned ugly, he turned and killed her." Aunt May pulled the lamp over our heads closer to her torso. "The slice are deep, so she was close- very close. Her nails shows signs of struggle, which means DNA."

My lips thinned in disgust, my eyes scanned her pale naked form to see every wound, scrape, and cut; until coming upon the side of her neck. Putting on latex gloves, I tilted her head to the side to get a better look. "Are these vampire bites?" The tissue just below her eyes was old, pink and tiny enough to miss.

Aunt May pulled the light closer to the head, taking a good look for herself. "Yeah, looks about a few months old. The bayou is mostly known for vampires, they hide out there and do their sex clubs. I'm gonna call down an expert, maybe he'll know something." Snapping off the gloves, Aunt May walked to the small office.

I continued to look, finding several hairs and blood under her nails, and a red painted nail in one of the wounds upon her stomach. I grabbed the tweezers and carefully pulled it out. Definitely a broken nail, and most definitely didn't match the victim's own nail.

"What did you find?" She came back, a look of satisfaction in her brown eyes as a soft sigh past her lips.

"A nail, looks like it was broken from the root. Since this is a supernatural thing, what will we tell the others?"

"Half the cops on the force doesn't give two shits about murders on the street, the detectives would be very happy to know they don't have to work the cases. What major did you graduate from again?"

"Mass communication."


"Yeah, mom wanted me to do something involved with a desk job making a six figure salary. I can't blame her but it wasn't me."

"Well, the morgue is hiring if you're interested. I can pull some strings."

"Nah, thank you for the offer, seeing dead bodies every day isn't my thing. No offense."

She chuckled lightly and nod her head in understanding. "Yeah, my first time was gruesome but very interesting."

"You rang?" Lucas walked into the room, a stern irritated look upon his face as if we disturbed him- which we probably did.

Aunt May barely looked over her shoulder to acknowledge his presence. "Come look at this, don't forget your gloves."

He rolled his eyes slowly and huffed before snatching the large size latex glove, his eyes took a quick scan at the body. "What type of attack is this?"

"We thought you would know. Isn't it Lycan?" I voiced.

Lucas stepped closer once his hands were protected, brows raised as he shook his head no. "It's more than possible. Where was this?"

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