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"Clear my schedule today, Taehyung."

Mr. Jeon commanded before closing the door to his office.

"B-but...." Taehyung wasn't able to protest. He checked the CEO's schedule and was dumbfounded to realize that today's schedule was packed with important people -- mostly CEO's from other companies.

Taehyung could only sigh in frustration.

How on Earth am I going to cancel these meetings?!

If only he could voice that out, but he knew better.

Rolling his eyes at the absurdity of his boss, Taehyung dialed the numbers of the people who were supposed to have meetings with Mr. Jeon. He apologized for the sudden cancellation of the meetings.

"Yes.. please tell Mr. Cho that we're really sorry. Yes.... Thank you."

Taehyung put the telephone back to its cradle. Lucky for him, everyone agreed to reschedule the meeting depending on Mr. Jeon's availability.

He decided to tell the older about it. With soft knocks on the door, and after hearing Mr. Jeon say "Come in", Taehyung carefully entered the room. He saw Mr. Jeon standing near the window, overlooking the surrounding with his phone near his right ear. He seemed to be talking to someone on the phone.

Taehyung could barely hear the conversation. He only heard two words, which he's unsure of, the words "son" and "home".

After a while, Mr. Jeon ended the call and walked towards his desk. He gestured Taehyung to sit on the chair in front of him.

"What's the matter Taehyung?" The older asked while scanning the documents in front of him.

Taehyung handed him the revised schedule for the whole week.

"I was able to convince our clients to reschedule the meetings. They agreed and told me to phone them whenever you're free. Your schedule for today is already cleared Sir." Taehyung formally said.

Mr. Jeon nodded his head in approval. "Good. Thank you."

Taehyung just smiled before standing. "If you no longer need me here sir, I shall take my leave."

He bowed before turning his back. He was halted by Mr. Jeon before he could even reach the door.

"Wait Tae! I forgot something. I have another task for you." Mr. Jeon smiled apologetically.

"Yes Sir, what is it?" Taehyung politely responded.

Mr. Jeon reached for his phone to check on something.

"Come here." He gestured Tae to look at his phone, which the younger abide.

"Copy this number." Mr. Jeon commanded. Taehyung did what he's told. He copied the number to his phone. He double checked if the number was correct before nodding his head to Mr. Jeon.

"Done? Okay good. That's the number of my son Jungkook." He said plainly.

Taehyung was confused for a while. "Why are you giving this to me sir?"

The older laughed at his troubled face. "Jungkook will be arriving today from Switzerland. He's been there for a few weeks for business purposes. Taehyung, I want you to pick him up at the airport and bring him here."

"Why do I need to pick him up? Doesn't he know how to go here?" Taehyung rolled his eyes in annoyance.

It was too late for him to realize that he should not have said those words. He quickly covered his mouth when he realized how nasty he acted toward his boss.

"I'm sorry Sir!" Taehyung blurted out.

Mr. Jeon just laughed at his reaction. "That child is a bit hard-headed. If no one will pick him up at the airport, I'm sure as hell that he won't go here."

Taehyung nods. So, they are not in good terms?

Mr. Jeon seemed to read his mind. "Yes, what you're thinking is right. My son and I don't really get along too well......"

The older forced a smile before patting his shoulder.

"Go now child. He'll be arriving there soon. Contact him through his number, so you can find him."

Mr. Jeon practically pushed Taehyung out of his office. The latter hurriedly took his purse and keys before heading to the parking lot where his gorgeous car awaits.


It wasn't a long drive to the airport, so Taehyung was able to arrive on time. He quickly rushed at the arrival area to wait for the CEO's son by the name of Jungkook.

Taehyung checked his watch to confirm the time.

He'll be here any moment.

He looked around when he realized something....


Taehyung cursed himself over and over again.

How am I gonna look for him. God, Taehyung! You're such an idiot!

He tried dialing the number that Mr. Jeon gave him. After a few attempts, someone finally answered.

"Hello?" A soothing voice came from the other line that made Taehyung's insides tingle a bit.

"Is this Mr. Jungkook?" Taehyung asked, trying to hide his flush.

"Yes, speaking. Who's this?" Jungkook sounded a bit annoyed.

"This is Kim Taehyung, your father's secretary. I'm waiting for you here at the airport under the instruction of Mr. Jeon." He stated firmly.

There's a silence for a while before Jungkook replied.

"Okay. I'm near the exit."

Taehyung searched around to look for a man holding a phone, who's coming out of the door. A lot of people had already passed by when he noticed a man walking confidently, one hand on his bag and the other holding a phone near his ear.

The two made eye contact and believe it or not, Taehyung felt like everything was in slow motion. It's like they were the only persons in the airport.

He was captivated by the man's deep dark eyes that show no emotion at all. He has a prominent nose and pink kissable lips that could make anyone yearn for his kiss. His hair was as dark as the night, highlighting his small but manly face.

He's simply breathtakingly handsome.

Taehyung didn't realize that he's gaping, almost a drool escaped his mouth. He didn't even notice that the man was already standing in front of him, with his knotted forehead. Worst, he didn't even hear what the handsome man was saying.

"Excuse me? Are you even listening?"

That snapped him out of his fantasies.

"Uh yes? You were saying?" Taehyung dumbly responded.

Jungkook rolled his eyes in annoyance. "I asked you if you are Mr. Kim Taehyung."

Taehyung nodded mindlessly. God! His name sounded so good coming from his lips.

"Okay, so can we go now?" Jungkook boredly asked.

Taehyung nodded his head another time, but he did not move from where he was standing.

Jungkook hissed. "Are you seriously the secretary of my father?! Why are you acting so dumb?!"

Taehyung flinched at the sudden outrage. He was snapped out of his imaginations in an instant.

"I-Im sorry. Let's go this way." He cleared his throat before leading the way to his car.

What the hell Kim Taehyung! You're really an idiot for acting weird! Cut it out! Stop acting like an eighteen year old bitch who saw his crush for the first time!

Taehyung almost bit his tongue.

So he's your crush now huh? Bitch! Calm your cunt....

Damn! I don't even have a cunt!

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