Forty Two

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"Your mother fed you with lies, Jungkook." Jungho felt his heart clench at the sight of his son's face after hearing the truth from him.

His face shows the kind of expression Jungho had dreaded to see in him.

Full of pain, disbelief, and betrayal.

He looked so lost like a child who was left alone to suffer in the darkness filled with lies, darkness that his own parents had caged him in.

He was deprived of the truth in the hopes that it's for the best but looking at how horrified he is right now made Jungho regret keeping the truth from him.

"I should've told you everything from the start... I-"

"You expect me to believe this?" Jungkook said, voice shaking from indescribable fear.

He wanted to brush off the heavy feeling in his heart, not accepting everything his father had told him.

His mother couldn't have done that.

She couldn't have lied to him.

She couldn't have deceived him.

She couldn't have killed a man.

His body suddenly felt cold, his breathing ragged as he tried to get a hold of his emotions.

He's horrified deep down to his bones.

He couldn't help but feel the fear creeping to his skin.

Fear that everything he believed to be true until this very moment might have just been nothing but lies.

"You're speaking ill of someone who's already dead. How low could you get?" Jungkook huffed, unaware that his attempt to mask his pain with anger is futile.

His face tells it all. It shows how he's hurting inside, how betrayed he really felt.

Jungho stared sadly at his son's face as he spoke.

"The day your mother died is the same day Taehyung lost his father." He sighed, chest tightening as he continued.

"You can ask Taehyung -"

"What if you both planned this to make me believe in everything you're saying?" Jungkook retorted, clenching his fist.

Jungho sadly smiled at the way Jungkook is trying to deny the truth.

He understands him. He knows it'll be hard for Jungkook to accept the truth.

It'll be hard for him to think bad of his own mother, the person whom he had treasured until the end.

"Even if I don't want to do this.. I can show you the pictures and the video when.." He trailed off, not wanting to continue and say the words 'your mother killed Baekhyun.'

He had kept the video as a reminder of his sin of hiding the truth and his promise to look over Taehyung in place of Baekhyun.

It's to remind him of how huge his debt is to his deceased friend, Baekhyun. Jungho's family had robbed him off the chance to be a great father to Taehyung.

Jungho knows nothing in this world could be used to repay for his life. He'll be forever indebted to him and to Taehyung.

A loud crashing sound suddenly filled the air, making the two males flinch. Their eyes darted to the direction where it came from.

Jungkook hastily made his way to the kitchen, slamming the door wide. He stiffened, seeing Taehyung standing in the middle of the shattered pieces of glass on the floor.

He was covering his mouth to silent his sobs as tears cascade down his pain filled eyes.

He has heard it all.

"T-Taehyung.." Jungho uttered in horror.

Taehyung was crying, eyes full of hatred as he looked at the older Jeon.

He felt so betrayed, like a fool who had been played by this man.

Jungho had helped him when he was struggling, fed him, made sure he'll graduate and gave him a job.

He had treated him like his own son.

All in exchange for his father's life.

He felt his stomach churn at the thought. He wanted to vomit as his mind started to ache from too much emotions.

His eyes darted to the ravenette who couldn't say a single word as he looked at his face full of devastation and pain.

Taehyung couldn't look him in the eyes for too long because he felt like he's suffocating in too much anger.

He wanted to shout at him, curse him for everything he had done to him, insult him... but his words were drowned by his sobs.

"Taehyung.." Jungkook said in a low voice. He attempted to walk towards him, but Taehyung was quick to raise his hand to stop him.

"D-don't you dare come near me." He managed to say as he looked at him with hatred.

He doesn't know how he was able to run out of that place, disregarding the call and the voices of the people that tried to stop him.

All he wanted is to get away from the people who only brought him miseries.

His mind was clouded with nothing but hatred and pain as he reached his home.

As soon as he locked himself inside the confinement of his room, all the emotions that he had been suppressing suddenly washed over him like a tidal wave.

He mourned for his father's unjust death, the only person who had loved him truly.

He felt so bad for him.

"I-I'm sorry." Taehyung cried out as he buried his face on the mattress.

If only he had known the truth sooner, he wouldn't have accepted any help from Jungho.

He wouldn't have known Jungkook.

He wouldn't have fallen for him.

He wouldn't have felt this too much pain.


Jungkook shakily turned off the screen, eyes full of horror as he stared at his trembling hands.

His mother killed a person.

He saw his whole world crumble down right before his eyes when he looked at the pictures of his mother kissing someone who's not his father.

She cheated on his father.

She made him believe in all her lies.

She manipulated him.

"W-why?" His voice cracked in too much emotions.

He had loved his mother dearly. He believed her with all his heart.

How could she do this?

How could she deceive him?


As Jungkook stared at his mother's face, his tears began streaming down his eyes.

That day, Jungkook and Taehyung cried and suffered from the truth.

That day, everything changed.


This chapter is a trash, I know. I just finished a long ass paperwork and my mind has been drained up to the very last drop. Uh... What?

Anyways, sorry for the wait. I'll try to be better.

Love you 💜

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