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"I know Chim. I forgot, okay? I'm sorry."

Taehyung stood in front of his mirror, trying on some clothes. He's been finding the perfect outfit for his date with Jungkook.

He knows he shouldn't be too excited because they're just going to watch movies in his house, but he couldn't help it.

Being with Jungkook anywhere it might be brings joy and excitement to his heart. Just the fact that he asks him for a date anywhere he wants, makes Taehyung beam.

"You promised you'll spend time with us today."

Jimin's voice came again from the other line, sounding like he's sulking or something.

Taehyung dropped his shirt on his bed, coming in front of his phone to see his friend's face. They're in facetime for a long while now with Jimin's unending whines.

Turned out, Taehyung forgot he promised Jimin and Jin that they'll hang out today since it's Sunday.

"I'm so sorry, Chim. Something came up, sorry." He said, feeling guilty.

He hasn't told his friends about him and Jungkook yet. It feels like it's not yet the right time to share it to anyone. He wants them to be private, for now.

Jimin's face turned into a scowl." But you promised." He pouted, tugging into Taehyung's conscience even more.

Any moment now, Jungkook will arrive and he hadn't gotten himself ready yet.

"I'll make it up to you, okay?" He muttered in an apologetic voice.

"Fine. You'll be treating us for being such an ass." Jimin said, finally smiling now.

"I will." Taehyung responded. He heard the sound of Jungkook's car arriving, making him panic, eyes wide in horror.

"Who's that?" Jimin asked, eyes focused on the door.

Footsteps were heard and Taehyung panicked even more.

"Okay. I'll call you later. Bye." He hurriedly clicked the end call, just in the knick of time when Jungkook's voice echoed inside his house.

"Hey baby, you in there?"

The door to Taehyung's room opened, revealing Jungkook in his usual godlike appearance, rocking a plain white shirt and jeans.

The brunet gulped, clutching his phone in hand. "You're early." He said, eyes turning wide when he noticed the pile of clothes on top of his bed.

Before Jungkook could even notice it, Taehyung is already pushing him out of the room.

"Um. Wait for me there." He uttered, cheeks tinted red from embarrassment. He couldn't let Jungkook see that he's so hooked up into finding the right clothes for the day like a teenager.

The ravenette looked at him in amusement before taking a seat on the couch.

In one quick motion, Taehyung went back to his room, stuffed all his clothes in his cabinet, and picked the shirt he's been eyeing earlier.

A brief 5 minutes and Taehyung is done. He checked himself in the mirror before deciding to go out. He saw Jungkook resting his head on the couch.

"Let's go." He mumbled, stirring Jungkook.

There's a grin on Jungkook's face when he stared at Taehyung, eyes checking him out deliberately.

"What?" Taehyung asked.

The ravenette just shakes his head before standing. "Nothing. You just look perfect in anything." He mumbled, walking for the door, leaving Taehyung with his blush creeping on his cheeks.

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