Chapter 41

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The sound of Clarke's voice causes me to internally groan. Bellamy squeezes my hand gently before letting it go, both of us turning to face Clarke as she catches up to us.

"Where is it?" She demands, but Bellamy being Bellamy, decides to play dumb.

"Hey Princess, you taking a walk in the woods?"

Clarke narrows her eyes and looks between the pair of us. "They're getting ready to kill three hundred people up there to save oxygen. And I can guarantee you it won't be council members, It'll be working people. Your people." She pokes Bellamy in the chest and my mind starts to spin.

"Bellamy." Finn appears from nowhere and pushes past me, shoving Bellamy in his chest forcefully. "Where's the radio?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Bellamy shoves Finn back just as hard.

"Back off, Finn." I snarl.


I spin around so fast I'm scared I'll get whiplash, but the moment passes as I stare at the girl before me, the girl I haven't seen in four years.

"Raven." I whisper.

Oh my god.

Raven was the pilot in the pod.

Raven, my childhood friend who was basically an older sister to me, Finn's girlfriend, is on Earth.

But how...?

There's a gash on her forehead from the impact, but her hair is still braided back into a ponytail and she wears the same red jacket she's had for years, although now it's slightly small on her. And my god she's definitely taller than me now and beautiful as ever.

But the thought suddenly hits me. Raven is here to tell the Ark we're alive, and Bellamy and I just destroyed her radio.

A smile graces her lips as she steps forward. "Chris--" Her smile drops and is replaced by a frown when I step back from her, bumping into Bellamy who places a hand on my back as he watches the interaction.

Raven's eyes dart between Bellamy and I before she looks at Finn.

"What the hell is this?" She asks bitterly.

"Chris and Bellamy took it upon themselves to steal your radio and trash it somewhere." Finn tells her, glaring at the pair of us, but mainly me.

"Bellamy Blake?" Raven asks. "They're looking everywhere for you."

"Shut up." Bellamy snaps at her.

"Looking for him, why?" Clarke presses.

"He shot Chancellor Jaha." Raven tells her, causing both Clarke and Finn to look at Bellamy in horror.

"That's why you took the wristbands." Clarke realises, "Needed everyone to think we're dead!"

"And all that 'whatever the hell we want'? You just care about saving your own skin. Both of you." Finn looks down at me and scoffs. "You don't seem too surprised by this, Chris." He shakes his head as he realises I already know about Jaha. "You deserve each other."

"I'm not listening to this." I turn and walk away from them, Bellamy right behind me.

"Hey! Shooter! Traitor!" Raven runs up and cuts in front of us. "Where's my radio?"

"Get out of my way." Bellamy snaps, trying to manoeuvre around her before we all stop.

"Where is it?"

"Back off, Raven." I say sternly, hurt at her use of the word traitor towards me.

"I should have killed you when I had the chance." Bellamy says lowly and I glance between them.

"Really?" Raven taunts.

"Raven." I warn.

"Well I'm right here."

Bellamy suddenly grabs Raven and pushes her against a tree, holding a hand to her throat whilst she whips out a knife and points it at him.

"Stop!" Myself, Clarke and Finn surge forward and stand beside them.

"Where's my radio?" Raven asks again, her voice low.

"Stop it." I say firmly, looking between them both. "Raven, I'm the reason Bellamy didn't kill you back at the pod, don't ruin that now." When she doesn't lower her knife I turn to Bellamy and soften my tone. "Bellamy. Bellamy she's my friend."

They wait a moment before they push away from each other, and Bellamy walks away slightly. "Jaha deserved to die, you all know that."

"Yeah he's not my favourite person either." Raven says as Bellamy stops to face us all again. "But he isn't dead."

Silence hangs over us all as we take in those words, and I look up at Bellamy with my mouth hanging open.

He isn't a murderer.

"What?" He asks quietly.

"You're a lousy shot." Raven almost laughs whilst I step back in shock.

"Bellamy, don't you see what this means?" Clarke walks towards him and places a hand on his arm. "You're not a murderer." I feel Bellamy's eyes on me, I feel everyone's eyes on me as Clarke continues. "You always did what you had to do to protect your sister. That's who you are. And you can do it again, by protecting three hundred of your people. Where's the radio?"

"It's too late." Bellamy says quietly.

I lean back against the tree behind me and shrug. "We threw it in the river."

Fearless (Bellamy Blake - Book 1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon