Chapter 50.

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A/N: i'm sorry for the very loooooong wait on new chapters!! but here they are :) enjoy! 

(not edited so ignore any spelling mistakes pls)

My heart beats loudly in my chest as I breathe heavily, holding my axe firmly in hand as the Grounders run towards us from all directions, but they abruptly halt their steps at a loud horn echoing around the woods. Their heads whip around to find the source, and my own eyebrows furrow at the familiarity of the noise.

I've heard that sound before.

The Grounders deem it more important than killing us, and turn and run in the direction they came from, disappearing as quickly as they had arrived.

"They're leaving." Bellamy says as he turns, checking that all of them leave and slightly breathless as he does.

"That horn," Jasper says, and I realise that the last time we heard it he was unconscious and hidden in the top of the drop ship, "what does it mean?"

"Acid fog." Finn tells him, producing a tent from his bag.

A pang hits my chest at the words, images flashing in my mind of Atom, his flesh burned and sore as he begged us to end his suffering.

"We have to run." Monroe says, phrasing it as a slight question.

"There's no time." Finn shakes out the tent and I turn towards him and scrutinise it.

"You're not honestly going to suggest we hide from that acid fog in a fucking tent." I seethe, emphasising the words to show him what a stupid idea it is.

"It's not a suggestion." Finn glances up at me as he holds one end of the tent to Bellamy, waiting for him to take it.

Bellamy seems to weigh the options for a split second before grabbing the tent and stretching it out, and I round on him.

"Bellamy, you can't be serious."

"We don't have any other options." He tells me, nodding his head to the tent. "Get in."

Jasper and Monroe don't hesitate before jumping under the cover, laying flat on the ground. I flex my jaw and look up at Bellamy.

"We can't do this, we have to go somewhere we'll actually be protected."

"We don't have time, Chris." Finn tells me harshly, "Stop stalling and come on."

"Hey," Bellamy's soft voice brings my eyes up to his, and he steps towards me and places a hand on my elbow. "I know you're thinking about Atom."

My breath hitches in my throat at his name and my mind can't help but start to wander off, the only thing that manages to pull me back is Bellamy.

"Carter." He says softly, "That wasn't your fault, and it isn't going to happen again, not today, not unless you get in the tent."

His eyes search my blurry ones, tears start to brim but I intake a shaky breath and blink them away, giving him a nod.

No one else is going to die today.

With Bellamy's help I manage to get onto the ground and crawl under the tent, avoiding Finn's curious eyes on me as I do.

We all lay flat on our stomachs, either end of the tent tucked tight by either our feet or our hands. Monroe and Jasper are on one end, and I'm squashed between Finn and Bellamy.

Every so often I shift, the awkward angle my feet are in killing my ankle with each passing second, but I don't make a sound.

"Chris would you stop moving." Finn hisses at me after I shift my position again. "You keep creating a gap."

"My ankle is burning here, Finn." I hiss back, "I'm sorry if my pain and suffering is an inconvenience to you."

From my other side, Bellamy sighs and shifts so he leans on his elbow at an angle. "Come here." I feel his hand on my hip, and he pulls my body closer to him, angled so my foot can rest on the other. "Better?" He asks, his breathe fanning my ear.

"Yeah." I manage to get out. It was much better, but now I was freaking out at the fact my body is pressed against Bellamy's, his hand resting on my side.

Finn looks over at us and all but glares at Bellamy's hand on my side before looking away. The action angers me, after everything he's said, he doesn't now get to play protective big brother.

"How long are we supposed to wait?" Jasper asks, and I realise that by now we've been here for a while, but last time we waited the whole night before coming out of the cave.

"Will this even work?" Monroe asks straight away, not giving us time to think about Jasper's answer.

"We'll find out." Finn tells her.

I feel Bellamy shift, before he says, "No we won't"

He removes his hand from me and moves forward to unravel the front of the tent.

"Bell, no!" I hiss, grabbing the back of his jacket, but it's too late, his head pops out from the tent.

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