Chapter 87

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Due to a majority of its residents gone for the day, the camp is uncharacteristically quiet. A few people carry on with their jobs as normal but most are lounging around and making the most of their free time and peace.

I happen to be stuck in the middle of the two.

My first reaction was to get people to go back to work, seeing as Bellamy left me in charge, but then I realised I don't actually care what they do. As long as there's gunners on the wall then I'm happy. And I also happen to like disobeying Bellamy's orders.

It's because of that that I'm standing outside the wall, not too far from the gate, having target practice with my axe. If Bellamy Blake wants me to stay at camp, fine, but it'll be on my terms.

At least that's what I'm telling myself.

"Bellamy won't be happy to see you out here."

It's only after I throw the axe once more, lodging it into the tree trunk that I turn around and look at Murphy carrying a bag of fish over his shoulder.

"I don't care about what makes Bellamy happy," I tell him. Murphy makes to turn and walk into camp, but stops when I call out his name.

"Hey, Murphy..." I pause, not knowing how to continue. Murphy turns to face me, awaiting what I have to say. I finally manage to swallow my pride and take a deep breath. "Look, I'm...I'm sorry...for what happened. Shit hit the fan pretty hard for you...and I didn't do anything to help. We were allies once, I' to try and work towards that again."

If Murphy is shocked at my sudden confession he doesn't show it, and instead nods at me slowly.

"I appreciate that Carter, and who knows, if we...survive this impending war, maybe we can be allies again. Sooner than you think."

I try not to show the confusion on my face at the way he's speaking and nod, watching as he enters the camp.

It isn't long before I grab my axe and follow after him back into camp, the sun slowly starting the set.

"Heard your little lovers spat," Raven intercepts my path to the water tent, and I frown at her as her words sink in.

"What? We weren't—Bellamy and I are not lovers."

"Coulda fooled me," Raven quirks an eyebrow. I fold my arms across my chest and sigh.

"What's wrong Raven?"

"What's wrong?" She repeats, laughing dryly, "what's wrong is that my boyfriend was cheating on me right under my best friend's nose and she didn't do a thing about it!"

"I didn't find out about that until today," I say to her.

"Yeah," Raven's voice grows harder with each word she says, "Finn told me. But I'm not stupid, Chris, and neither are you—in fact, you're probably one of the most deceptive people I know, so you telling me that you didn't know about Finn and Clarke is complete bullshit." Raven scoffs and looks me up and down with a look of disgust that riles me up. "You really are a traitor. Anyone that cares about you, you do everything in your power to destroy that relationship because the only person you can be bothered to look out for is yourself! Kinda reminds you of someone, doesn't it?"

Her last sentence hits me like a punch to the stomach, but I stand tall and try to act unaffected as Raven shoulders her way past me and into the drop ship. It's only when she's out of sight that I release my tongue from the confines of my teeth, the faint taste of blood lingering in my mouth. I glare at where she stood because she's right. Today alone I've caused an argument with Bellamy that will take a lot of time and energy to fix, and I'm not even sure mine and Finn's relationship is 100%, especially not now that Raven things I betrayed her too. Hell, the only thing I managed to fix today was my relationship with Murphy, and even that seems too good to be true.

When I next look up around camp, the sky has grown dark and torches are lit around the camp for light and heat, and groups of hunters walk in through the gates, Bellamy among them. When I see Raven walk out of the drop ship I turn and head over to one of the fire pits, taking a seat on a damp, mossy log. When I next look up I'm glad to see that Raven is gone, and Bellamy is on his way into his tent.

Hopefully I can avoid them for a couple more hours.

Fearless (Bellamy Blake - Book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora