Chapter 6

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The complete absence of all senses, not even blackness exists in this void of absolute nothingness.

I have no idea how long I've been floating out here. The passage of time is but an illusion. But I'm calm and content, blissful even. No annoying thoughts or pain, just eternity.

I was drawn from my serenity when I heard a murmur. Which prompted the thought "What's that?" When was the last time I actually had a thought?

As I listened the murmurs became whispers, before forming into words I struggled to hear.

Someone was speaking, a male voice by the sound of it. "Don't worry your pretty pink head." The male said. "Soon you'll be like us, loving and worshipping Her Majesty."

As I listened the voice became clearer. I realised there was something not quite right about the speaker, as well as wondering what this feeling was.

"Curiosity." A small voice said to me. So I'm curious about the not quite right guy. I couldn't remember the last time I felt anything.

I decided to call the voice 'NQR guy' as not quite right guy is a mouthful, even to think in your head. Following the direction my curiosity was taking me, I focused back on what the NQR guy was saying.

"That's right, don't fight it." The guy seemed to purr. At the same time I started to hear another noise. Which sounds oddly like a woman whimpering.

There was a sudden noise as NQR yells out in pain.

"YOU BITCH! How DARE you bite me." Followed by a loud bang. But it didn't stop there, A woman screamed in terror and a different woman yelled "How dare you make her into a drone." Before she grunted, obviously punched somewhere.

But I didn't really hear the last part. My mind had stopped at the scream. I would recognize that scream anywhere. It was my best friend Leah. She is scared and most likely in pain.

Curiosity was suddenly taken over by a second emotion. Anger. No. Rage. Blinding red RAGE. How DARE anyone hurt my Leah.

The conversation was still going on and it sounded like the second girl was trying to struggle, but I wasn't hearing it anymore. I was in my own world of white hot rage as my heart rate increased and I let out a growl so low and guttural, it should have come from a wolf or wild animal.

All noise and movement stopped. I opened my eyes slowly and deliberately as the world around me came into sharp view at ultra fast speed.

Jake was in the middle of a clearing, holding Leah by her hair. In his other hand was an empty syringe he'd clearly just used on Leah. Leah was looking at him with a terrified expression on her face. Tears streaming openly down her cheeks. There were others in the clearing as well, but my full attention was on the object of my hatred as he looked like he'd seen a ghost.

I went to take a step towards him as I noticed that my arms and legs were bound by something.

Paying the restraints no mind, I continued to move forward and broke the restraints like they were threads of silk in my eagerness to get to Jake.

I crossed the distance between us in the blink of an eye. Jake seemed even more shocked that I was suddenly in front of him, than he did at my existence.

I shot my hand out and casually broke the wrist that was holding Leah. She suddenly fell as Jake retracted his hand in pain, but I caught her and lowered her gently to the ground.

Once I was sure Leah was safe I got back up, stepped over to Jake and grabbed him by his face before slamming him into the nearest tree. All at close to the speed of sound.

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