Chapter 32

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That night I gave some serious thought to Rose and Rhys's request. In all honesty I couldn't find a good reason to deny it, but I didn't want to curse my sister and brother in law with such a long life span.

I sighed out loud for what must have been the hundredth time tonight. "What's wrong?" Gabe asked me, looking up from the book she was reading in my bed.

"Nothing major." I answered. "I'm just thinking about my brother and sister."

A knowing smile snaked it's way across Gabe's lips. "Are you that conflicted about turning them into your Ethereal children?" I wondered how Gabe seemed to know exactly what was on my mind without any prompts at all.

"Honestly yes. I know that they want to, but I'm not sure those two really understand that they will live as long as me. I'm going to live for a VERY long time according to everything I've ever heard about Ethereals. To me it's a curse that I wouldn't wish upon anyone." I voiced my concerns.

Gabe was silent for a minute or so, thinking about her answer. "While it's true that living that long can be a curse. I think that the curse is lessened, if not almost completely nullified, by having loved ones that will always be there with you. You have the unique gift of getting to spend that ridiculous amount of time not only with a person you love, but with an entire family. I think Rhys and your sister have realized this and want to be part of your forever family."

I open my mouth to argue, only to realize that I didn't have a counter argument to Gabe's statement. So looking like an idiot, I closed my mouth again and thought some more.

"Fine." I said after a few minutes. "You've made your point. I'll let them know to prepare to be changed tomorrow night." I sighed in defeat before exiting my room in search of my sister, Rhys was at work again so Rose could tell him.

I found Rose in her room and entered after knocking. I told her what the decision I had come to which earned me a "OMG thank you!" From Rose while she tackled me into a hug, needless to say she was ecstatic.

"Just make sure Rhys doesn't have work tomorrow night or on Saturday." I informed Rose before escaping her excited affection and retreating to my room and Gabe.

"So how did she take the news?" Was the first thing out of Gabe's mouth as I entered the room looking like I'd just escaped a war zone.

"She's ecstatic." I informed Gabe with a straight face while my hair and clothes obviously told the story of how excited Rose had been.

Gabe chuckled before patting the bed next to her and turning on the TV for us to watch. I still had homework to do that was due tomorrow but it could wait until later. TV with Gabe sounded like a much better idea at the moment.

Gabe put some stand up comedy from Netflix on and we started to watch.

About halfway through the show my sides were hurting and I took a peak at Gabe, only to find her frowning and obviously not laughing.

"What's wrong?" I asked Gabe.

"Nothing." Gabe answered before pausing to think before expanding on her previous comment. "I'm just a little jealous how amazing your family is. They would literally choose to live almost forever just to be there for you. I wish I had a family like that."

"You do." I told Gabe firmly as she raised one of her eyebrows at me. "This is your family now. No one here considers you as any less than that. I know you don't really trust vampires with good reason, but everyone in this house would put their life on the line for you."

Gabe burst out into tears at my declaration and I quickly wrapped her into a hug while making circles on her back with my hands in a comforting manner.

Bleeding ShadowsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora