Chapter 17

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Orientation was over. All that was left for the day was lunch then it would be time to head home.

I looked at the timetable in my hand and groaned. Why oh why did I choose to be an English major again? "Stupid Violet." I thought to myself, mentally slapping my brain for good measure.

Audrey had lots of fun teasing me about Gabe when I confided to her that I originally thought she was a guy. It was a stupid decision to tell her and I'd pay for it for weeks to come no doubt.

Currently Mia was dragging us along to one of the cafe's on campus for lunch. The rest of us wanted to go home but she was insistent, it appears she already has her eye on a boy. At least I now know that her and her ex are no longer together.

We entered the vintage styled cafe, there were lots of heavy wooden tables and chairs to match along with thick cushions on them. The end wall was made entirely of one big bookshelf, filled to the brim with books of every kind. The dark colors on the wall were offset fantastically by the huge windows, allowing lots of natural light in.

Immediately pervert Dan waves Mia over. "Seriously?" I ask Mia as she starts to head towards him.

"What? He's cute." She said shrugging her shoulders.

"Well, I suppose they might actually go well together." I thought to myself. I'd been forced to spend enough nights listening to Mia and her ex to not know how much of a pervert she really was as well.

As we followed Mia to her next romantic target I saw that Gabe and Alex were also sitting at the table. Alex had three skanks drooling over him and not paying attention to anyone else.

"At least I won't have to deal with that idiot." I thought happily as I sat down next to Gabe and said hi.

Before Gabe could reply a voice cut over the top of all conversation at the table, making my hair stand on edge. "Angel, what are you doing here? Just give me a second and you'll have my full attention."

I didn't want to but my curiosity made me look in the direction of Alexander, confirming my fears that he was talking to me.

I groaned out loud so he could hear. "I'm not your angel and I'm certainly not some conquest for you Alex, but as you seem to have your hands full of skanks I'm going to borrow Gabe here. Have fun."

Before he had a chance to reply I grabbed Gabe by the arm and stormed out of there. Mia was too focused on the conversation she was having with Dan to even notice that I'd left. Leah and Audrey would of course stay to enjoy the aftermath of my outburst.

After dragging Gabe along with no real destination in mind, she eventually stopped me.

"So what can I help you with?" Gabe asked me. We ended up in the middle of a corridor, I had no idea where I was.

"How do you put up with that guy?!" I blurted out. Great going Violet, you wanted to apologize to her and you've let your temper get the best of you, again.

Gabe just laughed at me in a good natured way. Man this girl could pull off the androgynous look so well. Not going to lie, I was a pretty big fan so far.

"He's not all that bad." Gabe replied. "He's helping my little brother who's sick. Sure he may be a pain in the ass and a complete man slut, but everyone has their flaws."

I hung my head, "I'm sorry, I had no idea your brother is sick. I should stop judging books by their covers. I say that because I'm also sorry because I honestly thought you were a guy when we first met."

This time Gabe started laughing from the bottom of her stomach. "That's ok." She said, still chuckling. "You have no idea how often that happens." Her chuckles suddenly subsiding. "But don't worry about my brother, even though Alexander is helping me, I'm still going to find a way to save him. It's not like he's terminally ill or anything."

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