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Warm wet tears fell down her flushed cheeks drop by drop

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Warm wet tears fell down her flushed cheeks drop by drop. Her hands were clenched around the rail of the ship as she remembered the last time she ever saw her best friend, her mother. It was hard knowing she was sailing on the sea with a bunch of pirates she didn't know.

For all she knows they could be dangerous and easily kill her. She just blindly trusted the man, the captain of the ship that her mother hired to take her away.

She leaned against the rail of the ship on her elbows and sighed. She felt her future was so uncertain.

"Well don't we have a girl here. Never seen one of them around here before", a mysterious voice said behind Buttercup scaring her out of her mind.

"Shut yer trap Calvin ye be scaring the young thing out of her wits", a scraggly voice rebermended the other voice.

Buttercup quickly whipped around to see the owner of the voice reminding Calvin and his actions towards her. Turning around she found two men standing in front of her arguing.

One looked older, around his mid-twenties. He was sort of scraggly looking and had a long beard that reached his bare collar bone. With his two cold brown eyes her was standing there shirtless telling off the younger fellow.

The other boy standing there, she assumed was named Calvin looked to be around her age. His more educated speech and ginger hair made her believe he wasn't born a pirate and around as new as she was to the ship.

"Sorry sir! I didn't mean to scare the little miss", Calvin instantly felt guilty and he attempted to defend himself from his superior.

Calvin felt eyes bore into him. Turning towards the source he found a short girl who had the biggest doe-like eyes he's ever met. She was quite an adorable new edition to the crew.

"Don't say yer sorry to me. Say it to the wee little miss over there", the scraggly man ordered.

"Yes, sorry...", Calvin was racking through his brain to name this tiny girl in front of him.

"Buttercup", she whispered softly to him.

Not only was she an adorable looking girl but, her voice was adorable and soft. It oddly captivated Calvin in a trance.

The scraggly man coughed loudly breaking the ginger out of his trance.

"Oh yes! Sorry Buttercup, my name is Calvin and I'm a pirate on this ship', Calvin attempted introduce himself but, it came awkward since he hasn't met anyone new in awhile. Well, anyone new he hasn't stole from or killed.

"Oh hello", Buttercup couldn't help but say shyly.

These men in front of her no matter how friendly were dangerous pirates that may kill her at any moment if she trusts too easily.

"Oh your just to darn cute", Calvin blurted out self consciously.

He walked up to her and surprisingly grabbed her in his twig arms tightly. She never expected a hug this warm and friendly from a cold merciless pirate who kills people.

"Henry", a deep baritone voice boomed at the scraggly older man that stood there watching the awkward unexpected hug in surprise.

The voice was one she knew to well but, she knew so little about. It was the same voice that saved her but, also took her away from something she loved so much.

Buttercup walked into the bar her mother gave her directions to go to. It was an old establishment with tons of holes of the side of the building with a creaking door that looked so close to falling off. Inside the outside matched the inside of the bar with paint and wallpaper peeling off the walls and mold everywhere.

Sitting on the stools gathered around the bar drinking were men scaling from younger working men to old retired men. She was so confused why her mother would send her here. She just looked crazy standing there with a beautiful dress that was dirtied with dirt and had half the skirt was jaggedly cut off.

When she walked through the door all of the men drinking men turned around to find the fearful Buttercup. Only one of the men sitting at the bar stood out to her. He sat there mysteriously casually drinking his drink looking curiously at her. His one obsidian eye contrasted with his other eye which was grey from the scar running through it. His tanned face had sharp features that included a strong jawline and a crooked nose but, it made him a strange handsome to Buttercup.

The dark black hair was around shoulder length and fell over his face giving him a mysterious look to him and with his beard around the same color and length gave him more of a rugged pirate look. They never broke eye contact as he stood up to his full height that looked to be around six foot seven but, she couldn't be sure.

He was very imposing as he came up to her. As her face could only stare at his chest, she had to steer head to the sky to look into his eyes.

"H-hello", she stammered.

Buttercup felt afraid from the strange way he stared at her. The man showed no sign of emotion as he stood in front of her.

"Buttercup", his deep baritone voice broke the silence in the air.

"Yes that's me", Buttercup answered softly.

"Let's go", he stated.

He grabbed her arm in a strong grip and pulled her out of the bar in a hurry before she could ask questions.

The same man who swept her into a new life onto the pirate ship he his the captain of. Just this time instead of him being clothed, he was instead he was standing there shirtless with his tanned chest and abbs out.

"Henry why was is girl hugging calvin?", he questioned the scraggly man who she assumed was the Henry he was talking about.

"I don't know what this boy is doing, Orbis. I think he's out of his wits or never seen or touched a lass before", Henry tried to figure out.

"Well get her away from him", Orbis confusingly growled out at Henry.

"Aye captain", Henry started to pull Calvin away from the little miss.

Once Calvin was pulled off her, Henry led him to the bottom deck leaving Buttercup and the captain standing there alone together.

"Let's go to your new room", he said gruffly and grabbed her arm to pull her towards the bottom deck.

"Aye captain", she repeated what Henry said scared he might be upset with her.

He paused walking causing her to run into his back like it was a wall. He turned around and looked at her and dropped her arm.

"You can call me Orbis but, just you and Henry", His shocking statement caused her to blush a deep cherry red.

"What was happening to me right now?", was all Buttercup could think.

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