chapter 10

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Coming to the male chambers at night was not something a young lady with her right state of mind would do but Skye's case was different. She had to come all the way here just to fulfil her duties and bring smile of her lady's face. After all she had taken the oath to take care of her princess no matter what.

Skye managed to sneak up into the male chambers and unlike the last time, this night, she didn't see guard's roaming around or resting near main hall.
Maybe because they were still outside, performing their duties because it was still an hour to midnight.

Pressing her lips tight, she grabbed her flowing gown with both hands and pulled it up her ankle to avoid any chance of tripping over. She made her way to the corner of the wall, successfully hiding in the shadows that were visible due to the dim moonlight as all the other lights of the main hall were off.

Pressing her back to the corner, she peaked inside the medium sized room, where she saw guard's last time, to make sure no one was there. Silence hit her back and her own breathing was the only sound she could hear. During this holiday of the night, most of the servants and maids departure to their respective residents.

Finding the coast clear, she stepped inside the room. All she had to do was go over to the doorstep and try to find guard named Klaus who was supposed to provide any information possible about Lord Thomas. Lady instructed her to must ask him about the letter that he might have received from prince Thomas.

She took hurried steps towards the other end of the room and approached the doorstep. By now she could hear hushed voices belonging to males who might have been roaming around outside.

She closed the distance between her and door. Grabbing the corner of the wall, she tried to look outside the door careful not to let her body be shown by any spectacle.

There was all dark outside. She could make the outline of the trees separating themselves from the horizon of the sky that inhabited the clear moon shining above, witnessing her measuring steps.

She bent a little more outwards but she couldn't see anyone no matter how much she squinted her eyes.

How she was supposed to find Klaus when it was all dark.

What if she can't find him tonight?


She couldn't risk it. She had to find him one way or another or else she would have to come back the coming night and go through God knows what.

Tonight she couldn't possibly lose the chance when no one was around. She could just try to step outward to find klaus and get this over with.

But would it be wise to go all the way out to find him?

What are the chances of her finding him outside?

Her train of thoughts was broken by the voices that hit her ear drum. Her thoughts instantly broke off and she could hear the voices coming from distance. She decided to wait there in silence but it seemed like the voices were growing more audible and thicker.

Her heart leaped inside her throat when she heard a familiar laughter coming coming one of the men. She knew who the voice belonged to. Why would she not? That was the laughter, that had been haunting her these past few nights frequently.

There was no way she could face commander Leon once again. His all the accusations would seem to be true if he found her here again.

By now she was scratching her wrist in anticipation. She had to decide quick whether she should leave or face him again-he might understand, right?

But no, by the way he approached her last time, she wasn't quite sure whether it would he a good idea or not.

The footsteps were soon clearly audible and her breathing stopped. She didn't want anyone to even hear her breathing. She prayed silently for them to pass. The room was not lit and she could just hide in the dark by the wall and just wait for them to pass by.

"No matter how much Lord Wellington tried to approach merchants there, it won't be of much profit." Came a male's voice as pairs of footsteps climbed up the stairs to enter the room.

As soon as three men came into the line of her vision, she squinted back more into the wall. At this moment, she just wanted to dissolve into the wall and magically appear inside her room.

"Of course, this transaction contains many risks and to be honest," the other male started, while pacing along the other one equally,"I'm not in its favor either." He finished the sentence, his voice drifting ahead to the hall slowly and Skye exhaled slowly with closed eyes thanking God that they didn't pay attention to the surrounding.

Her eyes fluttered open as a pair of footsteps stopped and other followed the action. Just now she noticed that she didn't hear the third pair of shoes since they entered inside.

Two men turned back to look at the man who was slightly taller than them, that had stopped walking just a little distance behind them, which was actually a meter ahead of Skye. His shadow was blocking the view of the other two men now.

"Is everything okay, commander?" Came the voice of the male who was just talking.

Skye couldn't help but to squeeze the fabric of her gown that was enclosed in her tights fists. Her legs were now shivering at the thought of what might have given him the clue of her hiding in the shadows.

Now he would surely turn around and grab her wrist and bring her out in front to show others how he was right about everything he accused me with.

A silence followed and her mind had gone completely blank of all the ways she could possibly use to run away before he could expose her to them but to her surprise, commander's calm voice denied everyone's suspecions,"yes, I need to make a run to grab something from the camp, you go ahead, I'll join you soon." He answered and men disappeared in the hall after saying okay.

Commander suddenly turned around and Skye's eyes were wide like soccer. She wasn't prepared for all this. She didn't know how she was about to handle the situation. She didn't figure out the answers to the questions he would ask her now.

She was thinking it all when she noticed that he was not asking her any questions. He wasn't even there in front of her. But he was actually standing at the doorstep and looking outside in the dark.

Maybe he really was true when he told them about going back to the camp!

But she couldn't wait any longer there. She couldn't just let herself be seen by him once he comes back. She had to leave. Doesn't matter if she couldn't get to talk to the guard. She had to leave now.

Or else she might not be able to make it to the ladies chambers in secrecy.

She turned around and hurriedly made her way to the hall.

Her quick pace came to a halt as her heart lurched up in her throat at the voice of none other than commander Leon.

"Long time no see, huh?" His voice once again poisoned her ears tonight.


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