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Lady victoria swirled the glass of champagne holding in her hand as she smiled occasionally at the chirping her two friends, lady Edith Eugene, the queen of Romanian state and lady Felicity Rhodes, the queen of Agrinian state.

The environment of the entire hall was a mixture of laughter, people standing in small groups, having conversations and servants and maids running around holding trays of champagne and sweets for all the royal guests who were occasionally stealing glances on the stage hopeful to see the couple of the night.

Her heart swell with pride while thinking of her beloved son and his beautiful wife.

How she dreamt of this day since the day of his birth. How her motherly affection wanted to ooze out at the sight of her son, supporting a king's attire.

A hush separated in the entire hall and all the eyes swept past people, focusing on one couple who was entering through the double doors of the hall. Her eyes locked on the boyish grin of her son, clad in the white shirt and red coat along with white breeches, the king's attire.

His elbow was stuck out for the lady beside him, whose lively smile was dancing over her soft features complemented by her beautiful purple gown as she occassionally brushed away her chocolatey locks out of her sight, looking ever vibrant. Her hand were clinging to his elbow as she walked beside him in elegance.

Everyone stood up and clapped as the couple made their way to the stage and climbed up the stairs. He helped the lady sit down on the throne and then walked over to the other side and focused his attention on the people gathered in grand hall to cherish his moments along with him.

He cleared his throat and his features turned solemn. Everyone straightened with perked up eyes and stared waiting to hear his words.

Then his solemn demeanor broke and another handsome smile erupted on his face as his eyes twinkled in delight and he stole a playful glance at the lady perched on the throne nearby him who sudtly shook her head as if to warn him but his smile erupted into a chuckle and few people joined him as if they knew the secret conversation that the couple was having with their dancing eyes.

Taking a moment to compose himself but not being successful to fully wipe his smile off, he once again turned to all the royal people.

" Respectable kings and queens," he looked at the first row of tables where all the kings and queens were settled down," and my fellows," he then gestured towards princes and princesses of royal states," I'm grateful for your presence here. Today I would allow myself to call a proud son of my mother, Queen Victoria Nicolas of alexandrian state who looked after me all these years along with my-" his voice got stuck in his throat and he casted his eyes downward for a moment.

Queen felt her eyes moisten at the onslaught of the emotions that the memory of her dead husband, king alexander brought. She knew it wasn't easy for her son to go through such emotions especially when it had been just a month since king passed away and it took all in her and her son to finally organize this event and declare the announcement for which everyone was waiting.

He took a huge breath and righted his coat, blinking hard couple of times and then adjusted her teary vision," my mother and my father had been my inspiration all along. And today, as I stand here, I would like to announce something really important."

He gulped as his gaze fixed on far off point and his eyes showed mixture of emotions going on, " As you folks know that my father had been a great king and human in person who had it his mission to bring peace and tranquility in alexandrian state. I-" his eyes found hers and she nodded in encouragement  ," with the approval of my mother and the royal members of this state, announce to accept the position of king as King Raine Rhodes for the rest of my life."

Her tears slid down to which she paid no attention for she stood up from her seat and clapped for her son with pride. The entire hall cheered and clapped for the new king and laughed and smiled in the encouragement and agreement.

" Thank you for the appreciation. There is something else I would like to share with you all as well." He turned around and advanced towards the lady sitting on the throne who covered her parted lips with her palm as she looked at him in awe and admiration.

He took her other hand in his and kissed it sensually erupting cheers once again from the crowd as other princes cheered and shouted playful words at him loudly. A blush crept on his face but the delightful moment was worth all this joy and happiness.

He helped her to stand in all her glory and brought her at the front of stage,"This is the lady with whom I shared my intimate vows during the most beautiful and purest moment of our lives." He declared and for the first time, queen realized how grown up he had become and how responsible he turned out to be.

"Meet my precious wife and your queen, Skye Pearl." He announced as he around and kissed her on her head erupting a chuckle from her as they both lovingly looked at each other in adoration.

After they both parted, they abandoned the stage and made their way towards her. Her heart melt at the sight of them both as they stopped in front of her and bowed in respect obediently. She brushed her hands over their head in motherly manner and hugged them to her as they both kissed her cheeks making her blush like a young girl.

The end.

Thank you guys for reading this book and your support. I hope you liked this book and check out my other books as well.




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