Chapter 31 Act My Age

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The song and artist for this chapter reminds me of my hectic routine and how I sometimes want to stop and re-think what am I doing and why am I doing it.

Song Name: Exhale
Artist Name: Sabrina Carpenter.

So without a further a do here is chapter 31 of A LOVE LIKE NO OTHER

Chapter No. 31

Amalie's POV:

"When did you ask me to be your girlfriend?" I question him.

"You're mine no matter what... And besides I won't let any bastard get close to you when I'm around."

"Okay, but that doesn't confirm you're my boyfriend, till you don't ask me I'm free to date anyone I choose." I shrug casually.

Instantly, Austin's calm expression changes, though his face is blank but his eyes show all his expressions that he otherwise hides. He strides towards me and even with heels he still towers my frame, with his muscular frame, "No way in hell will I allow you to date anyone while I am alive, mark my words, chérie, I won't let any mutt near what's mine."

The possessive in his voice is obvious. My heartbeat picks up at his words and voice, "Be ready this coming Sunday, I'm taking you on a date." With that he lightly pecked my lips but it was enough to make blood rush to my cheeks.

He grins taking in my appearance.


It was Thursday when the Charity event was held by Dawn and William, and now it's Sunday, to say I am nervous would be correct, I freaking forgot to ask him whether to dress casual or something formal or mixed! God! I can be such dummy at times.

He was picking me up around 2 in the afternoon. Finally giving up I call him, he picks up, "Morning, chérie. Anxious are we?" he chuckled on the other hand.

You've no idea...

I sighed, "I forgot to ask, how I should dress?"

"Dress comfortable... I remember you told me that you don't do fancy dates, so I kept that in mind. Don't worry... I'll make sure that you'll enjoy... so no need to worry."

"Hey I'm not worrying..." I said defensively.

"Chérie, you may be able to lie to others but I can detect whenever you lie you should know that." Austin chuckled on the other end.

Being sarcastic, "I'm not nervous you dummy!"

"Righttt... Whatever you say Malie."

I cut the call since he told me to dress casual. I think I'll try something a bit different. Calling Lil to my room I ask her to help me choose for today.Because I seriously, on normal days it's easy for me to decide but today I want to look good. I can't believe I'm doing this. I sigh.

Lil understanding my dilemma helps me choose for today, and honestly I like her choice.

Lil understanding my dilemma helps me choose for today, and honestly I like her choice

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