Chapter 50 No Porcelain Doll

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So the song and artist for this chapter are follows but I am using the with cover version are as follows:

Song Name: I Really Like You

Singer Name: Carly Rae Jepsen

Cover By: MAX and Against The Current

So I hope you all vote and comment for this chapter!


Chapter No. 50

Amalie's POV:

For days it felt as though, I was in an endless abyss. I wanted to escape but it seemed as though I was tied. It was constricting and eating at me. The only thing that kept me from falling completely was Austin's voice. I could feel that he held my hand for most of the time.

I wanted to reach out to him, but was unable to. I wanted to tell him that I'm here there's nothing to worry about. But like before when I was kidnapped it was as if my entire body was tied up. At times I felt as though I was running out of oxygen but Austin's words made me feel alive.

I don't know how many days passed by just like this, but one say he suddenly said that he had to leave. I felt helpless and tried with all my might to stop him. It felt as though my last reason to fight this dark abyss was giving up on me, it caused me to panic. I almost fell into it when I felt him calling my name and telling me he was back and wasn't leaving again.

We haven't been dating for long but he said the words, I didn't think I would here so soon, I love you. That put a new flame in me. A flame I didn't was there till then. With new found resolve I grabbed his hand with all the strength I could muster and I think it was enough, as responded so eagerly that it made want to smile but I couldn't. Since I was still too weak.

That day my family came to visit and stayed till late. I liked listening to them talking. I didn't want the day to end, but my brother and sister fell asleep, so they had to leave. Daniel approved of Austin full heartedly and it made my heart swell with love that he just wasn't ready to let me go since I am his little sister.

It hurt like hell emotionally that I wasn't able to say what I was thinking so even though it felt like literal hell, I opened my eyes and heard Austin say, "Malie, how long do you plan on sleeping? I've been waiting for you to wake up for 2 weeks. And in these two weeks you've scared the shit out of me twice."

"I-I know." I respond.

Testing my voice, it's really cracked. It's going to take some while to be able to speak. Austin is beyond surprised and thinks he's hallucinating but I shake my head. I want to smile but my entire body aches even from slight movement.

Moments later Daniel enters, with tears in his eyes, I've never seen my brother cry and seeing him like this makes me guilty, "Sis, you're finally awake! God, it's truly a miracle!" he says coming over to me.

With difficulty I crack a smile, at the same time Scarlet enters with Austin behind her, and her reaction is an exact mirror of Dan's. My throat feels as though it has needles in them.

Since I can't speak much I finally utter, "W-Water."

Dan and Austin help me sit a little and the bed shifted so that I am in a semi sitting position, with inserting a straw, Austin holds the glass, and I drink water. I guess I was so thirsty that I drank the glass even though it was slightly difficult.

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