Chapter 39 My Family

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So the song for this chapter has now a part 2 as well, so I thought why not go with both songs. If you guys haven't listened to Alan Walker's songs then believe me you haven't listen to anything, {But that's my opinion please don't misjudge} So the Song and Singer for this chapter are as follows:

Song Name: Alone

Singer Name: Alan Walker

So without a further ado here is another chapter of A Love Like No Other.


Chapter No. 39

Amalie's POV:

"MalMal, I think you should at least discuss with your father about your situation..." Daphne said looking at me from the rear view mirror.

"I-I don't know Daph, what if he freaks out... I know that I've found my real family... But I'm so attached to my adoptive family I just want to become the daughter they can be proud of." I sigh.

"MalMal, if there's one thing I've noticed is that people hurt more if you hide things from them. Did you ever try to put yourself in their shoes when keeping things from them?"

"Now that you say it like that I really feel ashamed." I say realizing that I am once again keeping things from the one person I promised I would never keep secrets.

"Well you still have time to mend things." She smiled.

"You're awesome, you know that?"

"Yeah I am, and look we're home so make things right." She got out of the car.

It was a routine that till I'm not inside she accompany me. I smile and hug her which she returns. Taking a deep breath I head to Mom and Dad's room, taking a deep breath I knock softly on their door, after a few moments Mom opens the door, "Amalie dear? Is everything alright?" She asks worried.

Since it's 12 in the night I don't come this late to them if I'm not really disturbed, but I stopped doing that as well when I turned 15.

"Yeah, but can I come inside?"

"Of course! No need to ask. And your timing is perfect at least I don't have to listen to Jack's constant complains that his youngest daughter doesn't spend enough time with him." She says exaggeratedly.

"Woman, are you making my daughter turn against me?" Dad scoffs.

"Like that can ever happen, sometimes I feel that I am the 3rd wheel." She shakes her head jokingly.

I chuckle watching there funny antics, "Mom, Dad, I want to talk you guys about something which I've been off-putting for some months that I believe I should discuss with you."

Their faces turn immediately turn stern at my words. They sit on the bed and I sit between them and Dad puts his arm around shoulder, in a soothing manner, I lean into his touch and smile sniff his clone. Something I've always done since little.

He pulls me closer to him to comfort me, such actions are enough to chase worst of demons and I smile, "For some months I've stopped going to the family consultant you guys had suggested, and only used meds."

"What? Why dear?" Mom asks.

"Because I just felt that I was returning to the old me, and I don't want to give into my fears. Not this time. I can't make my loved ones go through the same hell twice..."

"Okay... But you're still taking meds right?" Mom asks.

"I stopped two weeks ago." I say quietly.

This time Dad goes stiff as well, but still asks calmly, "Sweetheart, why did you do it without telling us?"

Well at least he's not angry, that's better than nothing, "I-I don't know... I was started to feel the side effects of the meds more often and before I knew it I had stopped taking it... But I'm sorry I should've told you immediately... I didn't mean to honestly. But I was afraid that you would want me to go to another psychiatrist, when I am completely fed up."

He sighs but then pulls me closer and kisses the side of my forehead, "It's okay dear, I'm not angry if that's what you're afraid of. Though, I am relieved that you trust us to tell your worries. We know we're not your birth parents but you mean as much as Scarlet and Daniel."

"Honey are you sure that you're doing okay? Is there even a slight change? Do you have any sort of headache?" Mom asks worried.

I smile and giggle, "Don't worry at least for now I'm doing great and the best thing is that I'm not having nightmares."

Than remember something, "Actually, I wanted to ask you guys something."

"Go ahead honey." Mom points me to continue.

"Who exactly recommended my current psychiatrist?" I ask.

"Our family doctor, dear, but why are you asking?" Mom replies than inquires confused.

"It's nothing but when I started using the meds, I started to have more frequent headaches on visiting her I found that since I'm still new to the treatment I feeling some effects. But then started to occur frequently. For some bizarre reason she wasn't ready to change the meds so I stopped attending the follow ups altogether and slowly let go of the meds. Since then my insomnia has also considerably reduced so have my nightmares. That's why I was curious as to who recommended her for me."

This time Dad let go and Mom looked at me baffled, "Amalie, you're telling us that you've been having sleeping problems as well as your headaches returned?" Dad asked concerned.

"Yes, but it wasn't something really serious I promise, it could be because of my hectic schedule."

"Amalie, this is no joke. You've been busier than now but never had this problem, ever. What I don't understand is that you're saying that the doctor wasn't ready to change the prescription neither reduce the dosage... This makes no sense. Did she give you a valid explanation, at least?" Dad asked me seriously.

"No, not that I recall, that was the main reason I completely quit, this had happened in the past as well hence the situation I caused. Since I was seeing re-do of the same episode so quit going..." I explain.

But now that I think about it even in the past the doctors never tried to build me back up they only tried pressurize me which never had a positive result for me, but why? Unless... They didn't have a hidden agenda.

"Mom, Dad, do you guys think this is all a set up?" I blurt out.

Since both had got up and their backs to me, turned around with wide eyes, "Oh Lord! I hope not... What in the world could they obtain by hurting you?" Mom said now starting to tear up.

I and Dad hugged her, my Mom is one of the strongest people I know but when it comes to her loved ones, she is the weakest. She loves us so much that if anything happens that upsets us, upsets her more.

"Don't worry Bella, I won't let anything to our little angel. You can count on it." Dad said trying to soothe her.

She let go of me hugged Dad, "B-But why, Jack? They've already hurt her so much, first separating her from her family now they're trying to take her from us..."

"Mom, they're just sick people... Don't worry, I'm strong nothing will." I smile.

"Come here sweetie." Mom pulled me to her teddy bear hug which Dad joined in as well.

This is my family, and I will never let them go. Come at me all you want. I want give up without a fight. So if it's fight you're looking for than that's what you're gonna get.

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