Protective Family

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Danny POV
"B-Bruce l-look it's a I-invitation t-to a te-tea p-party c-can I g-go". Bruce looked shocked at what I said then said "absolutely not that man name is Joker as he told you an dis very dangerous". Bruce said angrily "b-but h-he s-said he-he'll drag me there himself".

That got Dad even angrier he just said in a scary voice "Danny sweetie go ahead and get acquainted to the ones you'll be a den mother too". I tilted my head in confusion but nodded and started to float but was then grabbed and placed in Super Boy's arms. "we all started to walk to the area we're Young Justice hangs out but before that my brothers glared at Connor and tried to get him to let me go. Which didn't work. We made it to the main room and we sat in a big circles couch together.

"S-So um *takes a deep breath* Connor your super mans clone so why aren't you staying with him". Everyone seemed shocked at my sudden change of attitude so I explained "if my brothers trust you then I can leave my nervousness and t-try to talk regularly". They all looked happy then Connor answered and said "He doesn't want me because he hates me and doesn't want to be near me".

I was shocked at first then said "come with me Connor and Kaldur make sure no one listens". Kaldur nodded and I dragged Connor to a room and closed the door. "I um know what it's like to be the cause of a weapon or a chance of a war happening" I started to say then "But I also know what it's like to be seen as a monster an experiment or a whole company of people after you". Connor looked shocked then really happy "w-what happened to the rest". "It isn't easy to clone a ghost so they died in the next 5 secs". He looked down sad but then gave me one of the biggest hugs I've veered received.

We walked out and everyone looked scared and I looked behind me and saw Super Boy with the biggest smile ever. "Why do you guys look scared" "because we've never seen Super Jr smile that big" which was obliviously Jason who said that you can tell by the nickname. "Oh um any who you guys can ask me any questions to get to know me". I said sitting down on the couch followed by Connor on my right Wally my left and Kaldur behind me. "Hey maybe take 500 steps away from Danny" Damian said threw gritted teeth. Which at that comment they just ignored him

(Here there just asking questions so everyone's name like J for Jason to know who talking and asking)

M-Megan "So um Danny how old are you"

D-Danny "Oh I'm 16 and I started to use my powers at age 12"

Da-Damian "covered up your shocked faces and trust me he has his right being our den mother"

K-Kaldur "Favorite hobbie"

D "Oh I'm I like to paint and use a skateboard and I love animals" Kaldur just smiled when I ran tree off topic and with the drawing thing.

D "I liked to swim as well I can go in my phantom form and go in the water and feel it I can go under and still breath as well". Everyone was shocked even Kaldur. After that question we all sat together, well more of my brothers say with me glaring at Connor,Wally and Kaldur away. It was hilarious,after the movie was over me and my brothers went home with dad and we went to bed.

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