Chapter seventeen - Him

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A/N: Ahh! Once again, I apologise for how long this has taken me to update! Ugh, this is worse than the last chapter :( I'm sorry. I hope you still enjoy despite the crappy writing.
(I have rewritten this chapter so many times and I still don't like it) *sigh*

Warnings -

Mentions of Blood
Bed wetting
Negative thoughts


I haven't moved for about ten minutes after Chet left, I've stayed backed up against the banister, frozen. Maybe it's because I still feel light headed from getting hit in the face with a door, or the fact that Harry is probably still sleeping in my bed; and I can't seem to face that yet.

Blood stains my shirt, from my nose which has just stopped its stream of blood. It's tender and I can tell just from the crinkling of it, that it's bruised but not broken. I slam my eyes shut and try to drown out the buzzing in my head, hearing nothing but my own heart thumping, pounding in my ears like a small drum.




I concentrate on that for a while, letting my body push away from the banister and plonk down to take a seat on the stairs. I stretch out my back allowing a few air pockets in my spine to crack before settling back down against the fourth step up. A million thoughts flash through my head, spinning around continuously, questions needing answers they'll probably never receive. Perhaps that is for the best. Because then the answers won't be able to drown my mind with 'Where did it all go wrong' type of questions.

Chet knows I'm Gay.

How long has he known?

Sarah has told him.


He's lied to everyone.

What else has he said?

He's manipulated EVERYONE.

What was the point?

I let out a growl of frustration for allowing my brain to wallow. Running a hand over my dampened hair, I push myself up from the stairs with a groan. How long has Chet been lying to Sarah and I? He knows I don't love her in that way, so why go through all of this to keep us away? And even when I have found out about it, he still wants me to lie about wanting to be part of their lives. I'm starting to wonder if any of it is worth it anymore... but then if I don't agree, Chet has already blackmailed me into it anyway. He'd tell Dad that... That I'm -




"Sam?" A soft voice calls from behind the front door, their shadow hovering at the small windows. It's Eric. A sense of relief passes through me as I make my way over to the door, opening it. "I got your messages. Everything you asked for is in my backpack, I made sure to pack three extra of everything... just in case..." He ends with a nervous chuckle as he rummages through his bag, yet to look up at me. "You weren't really -" Eric stops talking once his eyes meet mine, wide and filled with shock horror. "You're bleeding!"

Eric's fingers come up to brush against my nose causing me to wince slightly. "Ah, um, I'm fine, Eric. Honest..." I force a smile which only makes me wish I didn't since the stretch of my lips moves and pull at my nose, creasing my eyes, lacing them with a flicker of pain.

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