Seeking Comfort with only one

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(All rights go to the wonderful J.k Rowling, only the plot is mine and if I make a new character💕)
(the snake up the top is what Harry's snake looks like but his is white💕)

Harry's POV:
It had been awhile since I truly smiled no one noticed though so that's always nice, I missed him, I missed him so much, I don't even know if he's dead or alive, all I knew was that I missed him more than anything, 'if he's alive he'll be at Hogwarts' I reminded myself. I was leaving that day to go to Hogwarts, I was at the Dursley's at the moment in my cupboard, it was uncomfortable, I could barely fit or breathe but it was okay. I deserved it. it's my fault all those people died, if I had just been a little bit faster they wouldn't of died or perhaps if I had died when I was a infant the-, I was knocked out of my thoughts when there was a harsh bang on my door "get up, freak and come make us breakfast!" My fat uncle yelled, making me flinch, hitting my head on the bottom of the stairs above my cupboard, I got out and walked to the kitchen. As soon as I got in there I ducked out of the way as my aunt tried to slap me, she has tried to slap me every morning since I was 3, that's when the abuse and rape started. I got the bacon and eggs out of the fridge and a salad for my aunt, once I was finished cooking I went to grab some plates for the food but someone grabbed my hand and slammed it onto the stove, I flinched and made a choking noise of some sort but I didn't scream I knew not to, for if I did it would be worse, as soon as they let go of my hand I turned around to see who it was, it was my uncle he looked mad but I couldn't tell why.

He turned and left, I used my left hand to grab the plates and scooped the food onto the plates with my currently steaming hand, I walked over to the table placing the plates down in front of my 'family', I walked back into the main hallway cradling my burnt hand, I noticed my trunk and my small cage near the front door, if your wondering what the cage is for it's for my snake, I got him after the war, I found him outside the Dursley's one morning a few months ago, he had been injured and me being able to talk to snakes was able to help, I decided to keep him, not without asking for his Concent first though. His name is Dragon, I named him after Draco, he is fully white but his scales are a rainbow iridescent in the sun, it's quite beautiful actually, he reminds me a lot of Draco, he usually slept under my shirt but my uncle found him, he was going to kill him but my cousin stoped him, he was nice after the war, he felt terrible about the things he and his family did to me, now we are quite good friends and would probably do anything for each other to be safe.

I looked over at the clock hanging just above their family photos, it said it was 10:52, I only had a couple broken ribs and about 200 or so cuts and bruises on me this year so I should be fine if I apparate, I grabbed my trunk and dragons cage and practically ran out the door, leaving a goodbye letter for my cousin.

I walked till I found an empty alleyway, I walked in deeper hiding in the shadows "dragon make sure to stay still I'm going to apparate, okay?" I said in Parseltongue hoping he could hear me before apparating to platform 9 3/4, as soon as I got there I noticed I got a few odd stares from the muggles walking around, I looked down and noticed I didn't have a glamour on, "fuck" I said quietly, I looked around thoroughly, trying to find somewhere to apply the glamour when I felt a wave of magic come over me, it felt like an ocean breeze if I'm being honest, I started to freak out when I heard hiss coming from Dragons cage I stoped and realised it was he who applied the glamour, he had always been able to do magic, he wasn't a muggle snake but a wizard one, which i found quite interesting when he first told me.

I walked till I was in between platform ten and nine and ran through the wall making sure no muggles saw me, as soon as I entered I nearly smashed into someone, "sorry" I said looking up slightly, there was a man and his daughter, he just smiled at me and walked off, 'thank god he didn't notice me' I thought glad only some people were pointing and whispering 'it's Harry Potter" while others were to inclined with there children to notice, it made me smile slightly seeing all those families happy and smiling with each other.

I walked past everyone and hobbled onto the train trying to act like I wasn't in pain or falling apart the very minute, once I found a compartment, not without people stoping me to ask for an autograph though, I fought to get my trunk into the overhang, nearly crushing myself in the process, and sat down after closing the door and blinds, I winced as I nudged one of my broken ribs on the windows frame, my eyes watered slightly as I popped my rib back into place, I heard a small hiss coming from Dragons cage beside me, "sorry, Dragon" I said as I opened the cage door for Dragon to slide out, as soon as he was out he came over to me and into my lap snuggling into the warmth of my legs, he's sorta like a cat the more I thought about it, he made a small hissing noise as he dozed off making me laugh slightly, he was really the only thing keeping me sane at the moment.

I started to doze off too but a knock startled me awake, I looked over at the door to see a flash of red and brown hair through the closed blinds, I carefully put Dragon around my neck without waking him and getting up to open the door, as soon as the door opened I was ambushed with a hug from Hermione causing me to flinch and nearly cry out in pain as she pushed in three of my broken ribs and as she flushed up against my cuts and push my bruises in, nearly.

"H-hey, Hermione" I said trying to sound as painless as possible, "hey, Harry" she said as she pulled away, Ron gave me a fist bump before they both sat down across from where I was sitting before, I sat down where I was before, "how are you guys?" I asked hoping they hadn't seen the pain in my eyes, only Draco had ever been able to tell I was in pain, the thought of Draco made me tear up slightly before snapping out of it as Hermione answered "we're great, Harry, we went all over the world the past few months with my parents after we got their memories returned, it was splendid, there was thi-" I zoned out as Hermione went on and on about her 'splendid' holidays with Ron and her parents, Im happy for her, I truly am don't get me wrong but I'm just not interested in listening to my friends boast about their fantastic lives, for the rest of the train ride I just zoned out while Hermione and Ron went on and on about there 'holidays' and laughing and smiling at each other, as soon as the train came to a halt Hermione and Ron jumped up grabbing their trucks and exiting the compartment completely forgetting about me.

I got up slowly as to not damage my ribs more and grabbed Dragons cage and Trunk placing Dragon in his cage. I was walking to the carriages when I heard someone call my name, I turned to see Ron and Hermione running towards me, I flinched slightly, "guess what" Ron said aggressively making me take a step back slightly afraid, "w-what?" I asked hoping I didn't do anything to upset them, and putting my trunk next to the others with Dragons cage on top of it, "Draco fücking malfoy, that filthy death eater spawn is back, he came back here to torment us, he's right over there," he said pointing to just behind us, sure enough there he was, Looking down at the ground, he looked like he just fought in battle but still my stunning best friend, he looked up briefly probably sensing the eyes on him before looking back down, he stoped walking, eyes widening before looking up, he locked eyes with me, he shook his head slightly, closing his eyes and rubbing them and looking up at me again.

(Published 27/6/2019)
(1555 words)

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