K H L O E 5 ✔

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It's been a shitty morning, I slept over my alarm. My last client cancelled her wedding because her partner was cheating on her with her sister.

So when lunch time rolled around I was actually looking forward to eating but can I catch a break to eat? Oh no of course not.

I had an 'emergency' flower appointment which wasn't as important as my client made out.

So when 2 o'clock rolled around and I looked at my schedule and see I only had one more appointment I could cry, tears of joy of course.

When I heard talking outside my office I opened the door to see two men dressed up in leather and jeans, I know I should be worried about why they are here but surprisingly they didn't look like they wanted to steal anything, not that they could. I have nothing valuable in my office to steal anyway.

''I still can't believe you stole her planner, she's going to kill you when she finds out' one said laughing at his friend.

'I hope nobody dies before I can plan a wedding?' I said making a joke which made them stop talking.

'Well? Are you my appointment or do I have to get security?' I said when I realised they were both just looking at me and not saying anything.

'No, no security. We have a 3pm with Khloe?' The blonde one said.

'That's me, your the lovely gentleman from the phone?'

'No that's me, this is my best friend Kane he is the one getting married, I'm Blake.' The blonde one said.

'Right! Come in lads, have a beer or a tea whatever you fancy and we can get planning, I heard you took a planner from your fiancé?' I said amused that the bride will lose her marbles over not having her planner.

'Well take a beer please, and yes Jodie his fiancé is going to kill him.' Blake said laughing which made me smile at them.

'Right follow me, Charlie can you get these lads some beers please?' I said to my assistant when we walked past her.

'Now. Let's get down to business shall we?' I said once I sat down.

'Do you have a date in mind?' I asked Kane

'December if possible, I know it's only a couple of months but we've been engaged for nearly a year.' he said nervously

'I can do that. What's the budget? I charge £5000 to help out with all the arrangements and make sure everything goes smoothly on the day. I go with you to pick the colours cake suits dresses the works.' I said explaining how it works.

'Price doesn't matter, we don't have a budget.' Kane said confidently

'Okay lucky girl, we will need a limit at least, say 10/20 thousand?'

'15 thousand and if we go over then that's fine' He said with a smile.

'Okay.. do you have anything you would like involved in the wedding or shall I just follow the planner? I can take photocopies so Jodie doesn't know I have it.' I said laughing.

'That's a good idea, but tradition is that the men don't wear suits. We're in a biker club so we have our own rules for weddings' Blake said finally speaking.

'That completely fin.e' I said not one bit worried about arranging it for the club.

'That's another thing we wanted to talk to you about, we are in a motorcycle club and we understand completely if you do not want take this wedding on because of the rumours about a club.' Blake said seriously.

'I honestly don't care, if I know at the end of the wedding you too are perfect happy and in love then I don't care what you guys are into. It's not my business anyway.' I said looking at Kane then Blake so they both believe me because its the truth, who am I too judge their lifestyle anyway?

'Okay that's settled then, let's see this planner!' I said clapping my hands together excitedly.

We spent all afternoon going over the theme and where Jodie would like the wedding and it's going to be absolutely beautiful, I saw the design of the dress and I can honestly say it would be my dream dress as well.

'So I have an understanding that Jodie doesn't know, are you going to let her know that you have booked me or are you going to surprise her with everything till the last minute?' I asked them both.

'Well I would like to tell her once we've booked the venue?' Kane asked me like he was unsure of himself.

'That's fine, I can make some calls and have it booked as quick as next week, me and my assistant will be staying in London for until after the wedding, if you would like my sister is actually a fashion designer and she could actually make Jodie's dress?' I said putting the idea out there for Lyla.

'That would be amazing, we actually fly back tomorrow. So when you've booked the venue if you are in London by then I would love to surprise her with you being there?' Kane asked.

'That's completely fine, if I take your number and give you mine I will be in touch.' I said standing up

Biker wedding? Not something I've done before but who doesn't like a challenge.

London here we come.

Don't forget.




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