11. Sherlock and Dr Hart

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The heat from outside hit my face as my door slowly opened. Alec crouched down to my level and tucked a loose strand of my hair behind my ear.

"Hey you, have you been crying?" He murmured in a low, soothing voice.

I closed my eyes and shook my head.

"Then why is your face wet and your eyes red? Let go." Alec prised my hands off the steering wheel. I sank back into my seat, finally relaxing my shoulders.

Had I cried? I hadn't even noticed, but as I wiped my hand across my face, I felt the leftover tears on my cheeks.

"Do you want to talk about it? Who upset you? Cos' I can definitely rip them a new one."

I snorted as a laugh and a sniffle fought their way out of my throat.

"Thanks but I'm okay. It's nothing." I wrapped my arms around myself.

"Are you sure?" Alec asked in a voice full of compassion.

"Is the match already over?" From the corner of my eye, I caught Hope driving past us, barely looking my way. Abigail and Finlay were also in her white VW Polo.

"Yeah. Want me to drive your Mum's car. Someone can help me get mine later."

"No. I'm okay. Promise. I'll see you at mine."

The ride home in my mum's Beetle was made in total silence. I couldn't even bring myself to turn the radio on. The muscles in my shoulders felt stiff and my stomach hurt. I hated arguing with any of my friends. Always one to stand my ground when confronted, I knew I was also one to take flight when I felt like I would no longer cope. My brief trip to France was proof alone of that fact.

Every few minutes, I glanced in my rear-view mirror to make sure I hadn't lost Alec along the way. I didn't know why I was worried about losing him when he knew exactly how to get to my house. He could probably drive there blindfolded.

My father's car was missing from our driveway as we pulled up outside my house. Remembering my mother mentioning their shopping trip, I sprinted inside, placed her car keys on their designated hook and hurried back to Alec.

I clumsily dropped into the passenger seat, slammed the door behind me and fastened my seatbelt. For someone that prided herself in staying fit and ran nearly every day, I was surprisingly winded. My heart raced, my breathing laboured.

Alec stared my way, his hand on the ignition key, waiting to start the car back up. "Alright there, puffy? You only ran from your car to your house, then to mine."

"I know right. Anyone would think I had asthma or didn't exercise all the time. It must be the heat getting to me," I stuttered, trying to take large mouthfuls of cool air in from the air conditioning system.

Alec started his Audi and pulled out onto the road. "It's not that hot, Nattie. You sure you're okay? You're all flustered and tense."

I relaxed into my seat and watched the countryside flash past. The colours blurred together, in hues of yellows and greens.

Alec wouldn't leave me alone until I admitted what bothered me, however, I didn't want to tell him about Hope. What if I planted the idea in his head and he decided he wanted the same thing as her? What a horrible friend that would make me. If it made him happy, was it my place to stop them? I couldn't help the jealousy that replaced the earlier rage that coursed through my veins. This was so unlike me. If I took one step back from the situation, took myself out of the equation, I could judge whether or not them being together was a good idea.

"I had an argument with Hope," I mumbled, not able to tear my gaze away from the view outside my window. We slowed down as he took the turning onto the road to the Hart's property.

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