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Five years later.

"Are you done with your camera bag? Can I add it to the ones near the door?" Alec asked as he walked into our bedroom.

"Yes-" twisting the lid onto my lipstick, I whirled around in the chair at my dressing table to stare at my gorgeous boyfriend- "I sorted it out last night. Sian left me enough messages to make sure I didn't forget anything. I do this for a living. She has no faith in me." I rolled my eyes and strolled over to Alec, swinging my arms over his shoulders.

"She wants everything to be perfect. You know how she gets." He placed a lingering kiss on my neck and brushed his fingers over my waist. "You look beautiful. I love this dress on you. I'm going to jump in the shower to wake up from that agonising night shift before we set off." Alec shook his unruly brown hair out with his hand, letting the strands fall on his forehead and attempted to pull away.

"Shame I'm already dressed and ready to go or I'd join you. I missed you last night." Pressing my body into his, I trailed my hands along his spine until I grabbed a handful of his backside and squeezed. Alec groaned into my mouth as I kissed him hard, forgetting my recently applied lipstick.

"There's not enough time for that." He pecked my cheek and picked my camera carrier off the bed before he disappeared into the other room.

"I better call Sian and tell her we're leaving soon," I shouted after him. After some rustling down the hallway, Alec slammed the bathroom door. I winced at the noise. That needed fixing when we returned from our weekend away. The door caught when pushed shut and unfortunately, the steam from the shower set off our fire alarm when left open.

I picked my lipstick back up and reapplied the crimson shade before ringing our best friend.

"Hey you, how's my favourite princess doing on her special day?" Sat on my bed, I rummaged through my handbag, making sure I had everything.

"I'm frazzled. Who knew there was so much organising involved? Is the camera packed?" Sian asked, letting out a huff as I heard her drop on what I believed was the sofa.

"I was actually asking about baby Luna. Is she excited for her naming ceremony? And yes, I have the camera. It's not like you haven't mentioned it a million times."

"She's five months old and doesn't understand what's going on, but mummy needs a neat drink once it's over. James' family is stressing me out. His dad and stepmum won't go anywhere near his mum, which is understandable. Why she chose now to turn up again, I've no idea? Selfish cow." Sian let out a sigh. "And don't get me started on his whore of a brother. We're on girl number three since we sent the invites out. Can't he stick to just one for now and pick a new one after today? I don't even want to learn this one's name."

I stifled a laugh during Sian's small rant. As I scanned my bedroom one last time, I spotted one of my camera lenses on the edge of my chest of drawers, hidden behind a scented candle. If Sian knew, I'd never hear the end of it. Besides being Luna's guide parent, I promised to take professional shots of Luna and her parents after the ceremony. My usual projects revolved around inanimate objects, but I would do anything for that baby and her mummy.

"Sian, you're terrible. It's not their fault he can't keep his little friend tucked away in his pants." Walking down the hallway, I knelt in front of my camera bag, but the fastening wouldn't budge from this angle. I slung the strap on my shoulder and made my way back to my room.

"Oh sh-, I mean sugar. I didn't even ask if you'd be okay with him there. Don't worry, he hasn't got an important role so I can tell him to clear off."

"Sian stop. I haven't spoken to Max in five years. Today's all about baby Luna. You'll see, once everyone's there. The day'll be lovely and you won't care if James' family argue or what Max is doing." After securing my phone between my ear and shoulder, I held the bag and tugged on the zip.

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