26. Lady luck is on my side

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I had another shift scheduled at The Tea Spot for nine am until closing at five pm. Unlike the previous morning, it hadn't been so rushed. Alec brought us breakfast in bed, and we lay there cuddling and chatting until it was time for me to get dressed and head to work.

Last night was everything I hoped it would be and more. Alec and I didn't have sex, but I felt closer to him than ever before. A permanent smile was plastered on my face. Happiness coursed through me, which was apparent to everyone from the extra bounce in my step.

Layla waved off the last builder from the morning rush as I pushed the door of the Tea Spot open. A caramelised buttery smell wafted through from the prep room, making my mouth water.

Before I even made it around the counter, she threw a dishcloth over and asked if I could wipe down the sides while she grabbed a tray of shortbread out of the oven. With no hellos or niceties, she hurried out to the back as if the kitchen was on fire.

An elegant woman with a silver, wavy, shoulder-length bob glided into the cafe. Nothing about her gave her age away. Her skin was youthful and practically make-up free, yet her undyed hair showed signs of ageing. She stepped up to the cake display and flashed a set of perfect white teeth, her crystal blue eyes sparkling. She exuded warmth and charisma before she had even spoken.

"Hi, I'm Margie." She held a flawlessly manicured hand out. "You must be Nat. It's so nice to meet you." Her voice was honey-sweet, confirming my first impressions of her. "Where's Layla? I hope she's been kind to you."

I shook her hand and smiled. "She'll be out any second. She had to save some shortbread from the oven."

"What are you doing here? I thought you couldn't come over until lunchtime?" Layla shouted from the doorway. She sauntered into the tea room and greeted Margie with a kiss to the lips. Both women smiled and gazed lovingly into each other's eyes. "Nat meet Margie, my partner in business and in life. Don't let this sweet face fool you, you still can't let her near the oven or coffee machine."

Margie laughed and moved past Layla. "I thought it would be easier to work in the office. I need to go over Nat's contract with her and set her hours. I'm sure you never got that far?"

"I bake, you deal with the business side of the place. That was the deal," Layla said as she positioned a cup under the espresso machine.

"Meet me in the office when you get a spare minute, Nat. Maybe Layla will let us sample some of that freshly baked shortbread."

Layla made up a cappuccino, placed it in my hands and ushered me out into the prep room after Margie.

We sat in her tiny office as we read over my brief contract. With how varied the business could be, she asked if I minded working to a rota instead of having fixed hours. Coach trips and afternoon teas were often booked at least a week in advance, so I would have my schedule planned out on a weekly basis.

Wiping the tables down after the lunchtime crowd, I felt a dull ache in my abdomen and lower back. "You've got to be kidding me." I darted to the prep room in search of my phone. I opened the calendar app, and there it was, marked with red dots. My period was about to start. I was actually a few days late, but with the stress from my parents and being kicked out of the house, I'd forgotten about it. I guess my body did too.

How did I let it slip my mind? I had nothing with me and nothing for it at Alec's. "Can I take a break, now?" I yelled out to Layla and Margie, who were in the office.

Layla gave me a thumbs-up as she bit into her cheese and pickle sandwich. I snatched my purse and strolled down to the local corner shop.

I picked up a pack of Ibuprofen, pads and tampons. I dropped my items near the till and added a small packet of chocolate buttons to the pile. The cashier offered a subtle smile and started placing everything into a bag for me when the bell above the door chimed.

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